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e-learning promise vs reality, present vs future

           Victorian Classroom                                    Modern Classroom

         • Lesson content the same for                           • Every lesson is now differentiated to the

            all children                                           needs of different children

         • Children are ‘empty vessels’                          • Children bring examples from their lives
                                                                   to the classroom.  Contexts are often
            who need critical information                          personalised by the child

         • If a child fails it is through                        • Teacher professional competence is the
            their own lack of work or lack                         main inspection criteria.  If any group of
                                                                   children do not make progress the
            of ability                                             teacher fails.

         • Children ‘seen and not heard’,                        • Student voice, peer learning and learner
                                                                   generated content common.  Skills such
            taught not to question or                              as questioning are now seen as critical
            ‘answer back’                                          requirements.

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