Page 28 - CAMUSAT
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The integraion of new technologies and know-how in
Taking responsibility over the implementation of cost the today’s dynamic telecom market is a key factor in
optimization measures through an efficient purchasing achieving excellence in managing and developing the
system flow to the bottom line and using its own telecom network infrastructures. Camusat took a leap
electronic purchasing platform (E-pro), Camusat forward through new technologies while introducing
assures an effective procurement strategy for the new experise and coninuing to innovate and broaden
supply of the necessary goods and services required to its turnkey telecom competences with the aim of beter
run our projects. serving its customers to eiciently build and opimize
their networks.
Benchmarking process, supplier selecion and management
are key factors in our Supply Chain to reach compeiive Camusat new path to the forefront of technologies brought
prices, quality products and imely delivery assurance. Those along the way the necessity of coninuous professional training
are our most important team goals besides the coninuous for both our personnel and for our clients and partners’
improvement of our processes & methods. Camusat pioneered lexible, muli-customer warehousing specialists. Camusat Training Center setup was our natural Our training center is endowed with all the necessary
logisics soluions, understanding the need for improving response to our professional evoluion commitment along equipments and tools for both theoreical and pracical
The implementaion of our online plaform E-pro brings eiciency imposed by the changing sales cycles and the way, helping us integraing new experise in our projects, preparaion of the trainees in order to assure an efecive
consistent value added through consolidated data base market uncertainies and consequently increased business innovaing and adaping new soluions for our customers’ transfer and smooth assimilaion of informaion. The training
at Camusat Group level, standardizaion of materials and pressure. We currently ofer more than 2500 square meters needs. Our high qualiied and experience trainers conceive, programs methods focus on allowing the trained specialists
processes, availability of technical iles in purchasing acivity, of warehousing situated strategically in France, Romania customize and tailor training programs for our clients to immediately implement the knowledge acquired within our
signiicantly reduced approval ime for requests and orders and Asia to provide the opimal locaion and lexibility for ‘specialists, ofering this way the necessary knowledge and training sessions in their day by day acivity.
and opimized delivery imes, automaically issuance of distribuion needs. understanding over our products & soluions for an eicient
delivery documents. integraion and maximizaion of the associated advantages for
The coninuous improvement of our warehousing and logisics their networks.
Camusat purchasing team adhere to a just-in-ime order strategies and methods, along with the necessary specialized
system with the goal of providing the materials at installaion personnel, endowments and tools allowed us to increase our
ime or on the manufacturing loor. eiciency and consequently the capacity to more than 400
containers managed yearly.

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