Page 26 - CAMUSAT
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→ GNOC premises design and build-up comply with a high
level of security, having controlled environment, authorized uSiNg OuR e.Sight aPPliCaTiON,
access, 24x7 CATV surveillance & logging, voice & data CaMuSaT iS aBlE TO MaNagE:
secured connecivity. → Network & civil infrastructures inventory
→ Business and IT service coninuity – GNOC premises → Roll-out projects administration
beneit of: → Refueling lifecycle
• redundant data connecivity (through diferent terrestrial → Ticketing, dispatching, reporting
and wireless circuits provided by diferent carriers) → RMS (vendor independent) monitoring & control
• ixed VOIP telephony from diferent ISP
• mobile coverage & mobile broadband from diferent THE CaPaCiTy TO OPERaTE THE
operators CuSTOMER / vENDOR / 3PP
• mobile telephony coverage & mobile broadband from iNDEPENDENT TOOlS COMES WiTH
diferent providers uSagE OF:
• GNOC hosts the proprietary tools in both cloud and own IT → Network & civil infrastructure inventory tools
infrastructure → Ticketing & dispatching tools
Our Managed Services concept relies on a combinaion • 2 back-up locaions in Romania and few others in global → Design, planning, optimization tools
of muliple methodologies and tools that we comply with Camusat hubs → Monitoring, troubleshooting and configuration tools
and use in our day by day acivity: → Service delivery team crossed competences & muliple → Open source statistical data bases
→ Service delivery lows and tools design languages, regularly beneiing of BCP trainings and exercises
& implementaion – Camusat follows ITIL → IT assets supporing a BCP scenario (laptops, phones,
recommendaions and has ceriied ITIL employees. mobile modems) All the pre/post sales aciviies, project management, IT support
→ Informaion security – Camusat developed an industry → ISO27001, ISO22301 and ISO20000 ceriicaion and system integraion are performed by dedicated teams
awareness, paying atenion to customer infrastructure in progress within Managed Services department, supporing the 24x7
assets inventory and secured provisioned informaion by GNOC delivery to its customers and addressing the business
VPN access and dedicated storages. opportuniies, market requests and challenges.
→ Service delivery confidentiality is assured for all
projects details

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