Page 20 - CAMUSAT
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Camusat main advantage relies on the own
CaMuSaT CaN PROviDE DE FOllOWiNg internal resources:
→ Network Planning • Designers
→ Route Survey & detailed design • Back-oice specialists
→ ROW and permits (Legalization) • Implementaion Supervisors
» Complete set of documentation • Splicers
» Approval with state authorities and utility companies • Field Technicians
» Building permission • Project Managers
» Permission for use → In house Heavy equipment
→ Supply of Materials • T r u c k s
» Fiber Optic Cables The FO routes will be achieved in accordance with exising • Excavator and dumper
» ODFs and Accessories norms and standards in the ield of telecommunicaions. • Mobile unwinder reel
» Joint Closures • Trenching machine
Fiber opic network cables allow unprecedented speeds » HDPE and PVC pipes Installaions today have to anicipate future growth and • Impact drills, lex
and distances to be used in networks all over the world. → Civil Works prospecive applicaions as well as current needs. For this reason, → Tools & Equipment
The use of opical iber and laser technology ensures that » Trenching and Backfilling the backbone installaions are essenial for any network. All the civil works shall be in accordance with customers • Cable jet and compressor - machine, blowing the FO cable
connecions can be made over very long distances with » Pavement restorations and international specifications and standards and will be in the HDPE pipe via the compressed air pressure (5-10 bar)
excellent transmission quality. » Installation and Calibration of HDPE Ducts Camusat’s teams are highly qualiied and specialized in this ield performed in accordance with local law. • Splicer - machine, splicing/connecing 2 opical ibers
» Handholes and Manholes installation and have been acively involved in all major projects of telecom • OTDR (Opical Time Domain Relectometer)
Camusat has a comprehensive experise and all the necessary » Cable Entrances operators. A preliminary survey by our teams is needed in order to We supply high quality products from worldwide • Duct roddler - tool used to pull the HDPE pipe and the OF
resources to sustain a full turnkey iber opic project through its → Cable Blowing deine the best iber opic route to be implemented. top brands to deliver a customized solution that cable in the duct
enire phases, by planning, designing and building the physical → Cable splicing termination and testing achieves the high expectations of our customers. → Infrastructure inventory sotware tool
infrastructure for both wireless and ixed networks. » Installation of Closures and fusion splicing The survey covers the FO path check, the presence, availability
» Cable termination and quality of exising infrastructures to be reused, the The main categories of products are:
These infrastructure projects are related to long term » Cable testing locaion of other services, etc. • FO cables
investments so our focus is on managing the end-to-end → Realization of the cadastral plans for the • ODF (Opical Distribuion Frame)
deployment ensuring this way that designs are opimized and implemented FO cable routes The cable route is chosen according to the following criteria: safety, • Opical closures Camusat highly experienced project management organizaion
projects respect the planning, the allocated budget and the → Project management diiculty, availability of exising infrastructure and accessibility • HDPE (High Density Polyethylene pipe) is essenial in order to guarantee the successful compleion of
expected quality. during implementaion and later for maintenance purposes. • FO accessories the project implementaion.

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