Page 17 - CAMUSAT
P. 17
Walking deeper in the telecom technologies area, Camusat
fully supports its customers to obtain the most from their
networks integraing in its turnkey experise the complete
scope of radio network planning & opimizaion and
equipment installaion & commissioning, gathering all
the back oice and on ield experise from iniial design to
project management of radio deployment.

Projects’ strategic planning and administraion, risk
management, forecasing and what-if scenarios, eicient
tracking and escalaion as well as the cost control processes
and imely delivery lead to decrease of CAPEX and OPEX of the
operators and overall business proitability improvement.

↘ RaDiO NETWORk PlaNNiNg &
OPTiMizaTiON Indoor Planning and Opimizaion Benchmarking
• Radio distribuion network planning • Indoor and Outdoor coverage drive tests
Our team of high experienced professionals with specialized • Budget link • Compeiive analysis
sotware and tools are able to eicient manage complex RNPO • Equipments’ parameterizaion • Network availability
projects from design to implementaion. Camusat comprehensive • Opimizaion of indoor coverage design • KPIs monitoring and reporing
array of services for radio turnkey projects includes: • Cable routes design •
• Bill of Materials
Planning and Opimizaion • Walk tests
• Iniial networks design
• Coverage and capacity planning Network Performance analysis & audits
• Frequency and strategic planning • Quality of service analysis and reports
• Interference and parameters planning • Performance data control
• Drive tests, boat test & foot tests • Benchmarking with compeitors and between diferent
• Prelaunch opimizaion equipment vendors
• Network quality monitoring

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