Page 20 - State of the Internship NoSeal
P. 20
In-Person Interviews Most Prevalent When Seeking Internships

While 8.6 percent of students did not need to interview at all, Interviewing for most
nearly two-thirds of students (64.6 percent) interviewed in internships
person when competing for their most recent internship. This
is followed by phone interviews, at 20.2 percent.

Interview types are fairly consistent across demographics,
with the exception of region. Students attending college in the
South were more likely than average to interview by phone (23.5
percent) versus in person (61.4 percent).

Interns Overwhelmingly Recommend Other

Students to Do Internships

The survey asked students with at least one internship under their
belts whether they would advise other students to do internships.
Overwhelmingly, 82.0 percent of them absolutely recommend doing internships, considering the
experience extremely valuable. In contrast, only 2.5 percent said no or not sure.

Would you recommend other students to

do an internship?

97.6% of students

with at least one internship
completed would
recommend other
students to do an


Some further insights:

• The share of students “absolutely” recommending internships to others goes up even more among
those who have completed at least two internships, to 83.8 percent.
• Career-oriented interns are especially likely to value internships, with 84.5 percent recommending
the experience to other students, compared with 74.6 percent of academic-oriented students.
• Past interns in the Midwest and South are also more likely than average to recommend other
students to do internships, at 84.1 percent and 84.2 percent, respectively.

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