Page 19 - State of the Internship NoSeal
P. 19
Students who have completed a minimum of two internships show higher usage across tools and
resources, particularly making greater use of internship websites and personal networks, including
friends and family.
Other approaches included:
• Targeted company outreach through cold calling, walk-in or email.
• Getting a foot in the door through volunteering.
• Government (federal, state, local) programs, such as Student Youth Employment Program.
Nearly Two-Thirds of Students Use Social Media in Internship Search
The majority, 64 percent of students, used some form of social Use of social media in
media during the internship search process. Among those who internship search.
did, researching employers and networking were the chief ways
in which students used social media.
About one-third actually discussed internship opportunities with
potential employers using social media. The gap between intern
usage of social media and the share using it to communicate with
employers would indicate room for improvement in leveraging
the best tools to reach interns.
67.2% Research employers
65.2% Network
34.9% Discuss opportunities Used social media
Did no use social media
© InternMatch | State of Internships 2014 Page | 19
resources, particularly making greater use of internship websites and personal networks, including
friends and family.
Other approaches included:
• Targeted company outreach through cold calling, walk-in or email.
• Getting a foot in the door through volunteering.
• Government (federal, state, local) programs, such as Student Youth Employment Program.
Nearly Two-Thirds of Students Use Social Media in Internship Search
The majority, 64 percent of students, used some form of social Use of social media in
media during the internship search process. Among those who internship search.
did, researching employers and networking were the chief ways
in which students used social media.
About one-third actually discussed internship opportunities with
potential employers using social media. The gap between intern
usage of social media and the share using it to communicate with
employers would indicate room for improvement in leveraging
the best tools to reach interns.
67.2% Research employers
65.2% Network
34.9% Discuss opportunities Used social media
Did no use social media
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