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Telekom Romania continues the transformation program

HANNOVER, GERMANY - MARCH 14, 2016: Booth of Deutsche Telekom company at CeBIT information technology trade show in Hannover, Germany on March 14, 2016.

Two years ago Telekom Romania innitiated a transformation program meant to reduce the complexity of processes, by redefining the operational model, in order to improve the interaction with its customers, through digitalization and simplification, according to Telekom Romania. In addition to business initiatives, as part of this program, Telekom Romania is planning to reduce the existing number of 5,831 employees within the group of companies with 692 positions, out of which 438 positions in Telekom Romania Communications S.A. and 254 positions inTelekom Romania Mobile Communications S.A., respectively.

The continuation of the transformation program ensures the sustainable growth of the group, given the high pace of technology evolution, a highly competitive market, as well as global changes of the business models, which affect the technology companies to a greater extent.

The redundant positions will be decided based on company’s business objectives, in line with the strategy for simplification and digitalization. Within this redundancy process, Telekom Romania will apply social protection measures, according to the law. The performance evaluation will be applied as criterion in selecting the employees occupying similar positions which are in the scope of the redundancy process.

Reducing the complexity of identified internal processes, as well as of product and services portfolio consequently leads to the need for some changes at the level of team structure. Processes optimization, automation and introduction of Robot Process Automations in various internal processes are some of the priorities in all operational areas, with major improvements achieved so far within IT, Technology, Finance and Supply Chain areas.

Within the transformation program, Telekom has reduced its service portfolio and has launched a number of initiatives aimed at enhancing customer experience, with focus on digitalization.

Telekom Romania targets to continue to increase sales through online channels in the next three years. Also, the new account management application, MyAccount Telekom, is getting traction among the customers, leading to better service and simpler management of the personal services account. In the future, customers will be able to identify and troubleshoot most of the issues online, thus spending less time with faults repairs.