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Gigantul Amazon se confruntă cu greve masive la depozitele din Germania

Gigantul Amazon se confruntă cu greve masive la depozitele din Germania
THE AMAZON WAREHOUSE IN PETERBOROUGH,CAMBS,ON THURSDAY NOV 7TH 2013.THE WAREHOUSE IS ABOUT TO HIT ITS BUSIEST TIME TO THE BUILD UP TO CHRISTMAS AND COMPANY HAS EMPLOYED 50% EXTRA STAFF COMPARED TO LAST YEAR.Shopping website Amazon has increased its seasonal workforce by 50 PER CENT this Christmas to deal with the high demand from customers.The online retailer has hired more than 15,000 seasonal workers this year - a massive 5,000 more than in 2012.Staff at Amazon are already working flat out in its UK warehouses as orders pour in with less than 50 shopping days to Christmas.Workers at the Peterborough fulfilment centre in Cambridgeshire are picking and packing round the clock as millions begin their online Christmas shopping.Amazon predicts that the busiest day for online shopping in the UK, often referred to as Cyber Monday, will fall on December 2 this year, with post-work Christmas shoppers triggering a sales peak at 6pm.,Image: 176497355, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

Sindicatul german Verdi a declanşat o grevă marţi la şapte depozite Amazon din Germania, astfel încât mutarea coincide la nivel global cu „Prime Day”, unul dintre cele mai importante evenimente comerciale desfăşurate de gigantul american, potrivit Reuters. Sindicatul Verdi a anunţat că organizează o grevă de două zile, care face parte din bătălia îndelungată pe care o duc angajaţii cu Amazon pentru salarii mai bune şi condiţii mai bune de muncă în Germania… + zf.ro