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Era şi timpul: Apple va lansa în 2020 trei modele noi de Iphone compatibile cu reţeaua 5G

Era şi timpul: Apple va lansa în 2020 trei modele noi de Iphone compatibile cu reţeaua 5G
--FILE--A Chinese mobile phone user shows the icons of mobile apps on his iPhone smartphone in Ji'nan city, east China's Shandong province, 18 July 2017. China continued to see a booming mobile app market in the first half of this year with over 4.02 million mobile apps. Mobile games boasted the largest number of apps with 1.17 million as of the end of June, followed by daily life services and e-commerce, according to the report released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Mobile system tools were the most downloaded apps, followed by games and video- and audio-playing apps. The report also showed that Chinese above-scale firms in the Internet sector and related industries raked in 284.3 billion yuan (42.68 billion U.S. dollars) in H1, up 24.9% year on year.

Apple lansează trei modele noi Iphone în 2020 compatibile cu reţeaua 5G.Potrivit unui raport realizat de un analist de la compania TF International Securities, Apple avea în plan să lanseze doar două noi telefoane compatibile 5G, urmând ca al treilea să funcţioneze pe vechiul protocol 4G. Totuşi, ultimele estimări sugerează că toate cele trei device-uri vor opera pe reţeaua 5G…. + zf.ro