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Mobile Games to Generate 60% of the Global Video Games Revenue in 2020

Mobile games continue dominating the global video games industry. The number of users in the mobile games segment is set to reach 1.6 billion in 2020, ranking it as the leading revenue stream of the global video games market.

The mobile games industry is expected to hit $55.3bn value this year, or 60% of the video games profits in 2020.

Recent years have witnessed a surge in the number of people playing and spending on mobile games. In 2017, the mobile games segment reached $44.2bn value, nearly 58% of the global video games revenue that year, revealed Statista data. In the next two years, this figure jumped over $49bn or almost 60% of the worldwide gaming profit in 2019.

Statistics show the upward trend is set to continue in the following years, with the mobile games industry revenue growing by a CARG of 2.1% and reaching $60.2bn in 2024. User penetration was 21.1% in 2020 and is expected to rise to 23.9% in the next four years.

The average revenue per user in the mobile segment is forecast to amount to $35.17 in 2020. In the next four years, this figure is expected to slide to $32.67. However, statistics show the following years are set to witness a surge in the number of mobile game users, growing from nearly 1.6bn in 2020 to over 1.8bn in 2024.

In comparison, the average revenue per user in the gaming networks segment amounts to $26.39 in 2020. Online games and download games follow with $22.08 and $15.54, respectively.

Analyzed by geography, China represents the leading mobile games industry in the world set to reach a $21.2bn value in 2020. In the next four years, this figure is expected to increase to $23.5bn.

The United States ranked as the second-largest mobile games industry globally with $10.7bn profit this year. By the end of 2024, this figure is set to jump over $11.2bn. With $6.8bn in revenue in 2020, Japan ranked as the third-largest mobile games market in the world. South Korea and the United Kingdom follow with $2.3bn and $1.5bn, respectively