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Liviu NISTORAN, former President of ANCOM @ Liberalization & Portability – Telecom vs. Energy and Gas: While I was the president of ANCOM, I resisted the pressures coming from the political area and of the mobile operators for the decrease of the interconnection tariffs

Liviu NISTORAN – former President – ANCOM @ Conference LIBERALIZATION & PORTABILITY – SUCCESS IN TELECOM vs. THE IMPASS FROM ENERGY AND GASES , organized by Digital Transformation Council, Revista COMUNICAȚII Mobile and TelecomTV.ro on February 4, 2022.

I want to congratulate him Eduard Lovin, Vice President of ANCOM, for the presentation during the conference LIBERALIZATION & PORTABILITY – SUCCESS IN TELECOM vs. THE IMPACT ON ENERGY AND GASES and for the entire activity within the institution and I would like to say that the good measures taken in time create a competitive market and lead to the result that the telecom market is currently at.

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I want to emphasize the professionalism of the people from ANCOM, who work with very well developed methods, unlike ANRE. From my experience as former president of ANCOM, at the level of the institution there was a coherent, determined, determined action.

Also, within ANCOM there was a resistance to pressures, which come from the political area and from the communication operators. They are lobbying extremely hard both in Brussels and here. They want to make a lot of money, they want to set higher rates, and then they do various lobbying, pressure actions. Personally, I have been under a lot of pressure to lower interconnection tariffs. There was pressure on Brussels and the government. However, I went ahead, I had some very well-founded calculations, a well-developed strategy and I went ahead.

These professional measures, taken in advance, have made a difference. This is not the case with energy. Things are completely different there.