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Doina BANCIU, Vice President AOSR @ Liberalization & Portability – Telecom vs. Energy and gas: I suggest launching a research topic for a systemic approach between the two fields, with technical, economic, social, commercial influences, beneficial to both communications and energy, but especially to citizens.

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Doina BANCIU – Vice President AOSR @ Conference LIBERALIZATION & PORTABILITY – SUCCESS IN TELECOM vs. THE IMPASS FROM ENERGY AND GASES , organized by Digital Transformation Council, Revista COMUNICAȚII Mobile and TelecomTV.ro on February 4, 2022.

Mr. Bogdan Chirițoiu, President of the Competition Council, almost convinced me that it is normal for my electricity bill to increase, but we have to think about how we privatized the distribution.

Communications and energy are critical infrastructures and are structurally linked. Needless to say, those areas are closely related. If communications fail, the energy system suffers deeply. If the energy system fails, so does the communications system.

I would suggest you launch a research topic for a systemic approach between the two fields, with technical, economic, social, commercial influences, because we are in this deep energy crisis and which must, of course, be pursued in all its forms. aspects.

Both areas carry significant financial resources and I believe that in-depth research could benefit both communications and energy, but especially citizens.