Page 403 - ePaper
P. 403
Transport Environment Ultra Low A £370m set of proposals for promoting Fits 0.370 0.12
Emission Ultra Low Emission Vehicles in the UK. Government's
Vehicle priorities for
proposals R+D - £250m developing a
Funding for further research and modern
development for ULEVs given the transport
success of existing policies and system while
emerging market pressures, namely: benefitting the
• To expand OLEV funding of Innovate environment.
UK’s Low Carbon Vehicle Innovation Existing
Platform. funding
• To increase advanced R&D activity, outlined
build the UK & EU supply chain at a below:
benefits to cost ratio of between 2.35:1 https://www.go
and 5.46:1.
London - £50m - £75m emission-
Extra funding of £50m - £75m to enable vehicles-in-the-
London to become a global exemplar in uk-measures-
the uptake of ULEVs and allow the city to-support-use-
to continue to address its significant air and-
quality problems. development-
Roads Investment Strategy Rapids -
To introduce electric vehicle rapid
chargers across the strategic road
network (SRN)

Bus Scheme - £30m
The Bus Scheme – part of the OLEV
2015-2020 £500m programme - will
ensure that local authorities and
operators are supported in buying the
lowest emission alternatives to
conventional diesel buses.
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