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P. 375
Energy Union Heat networks Heat network Local Heat networks are expected to play an Yes In Carbon Various - early projects >0.2 0.1 Barriers: DECC Heat Network Delivery Unit has been
(district heating) development. A Authorites in important part in cost effectively Plan. Also in are starting to enter running for 14 months, supporting LAs in overcoming
number of large England and decarbonising heat in buildings up to several City procurement stages. capability and capacity barriers and developing
scale heat Wales, 2050. Economic models indicate that up Deals. proposals for heat networks especially in urban areas
networks working with to 20TWh/yr of heat demand could be and some on a city-wide scale. However, likely that
projects are the private cost effectively met by heat networks by some strategically important schemes will not be able
under sector, with 2020. DECC's Heat Network Delivery to offer sufficient returns for private investment while
development, support from Unit (HNDU) is supporting 122 projects still representing good vfm in terms of decarbonisation
including in DECC & in the feasibility and project Solution: A Local Authority capital fund from EU could
Stoke-on-Trent, potential development stages across 91 Local leverage private investment and get major city-wide
Tees Valley, Green Authority areas. Many of these are likely projects built, as would loan funds or loan guarantees.
Manchester, Investment to get to financial close in the next few
Enfield Bank years and be delivered over the next 10
(London), involvement years.
Exeter, Cardiff
Energy Union Non Domestic Large scale private The UK is committed to meeting our Yes In Carbon Various 5.0 <2 Barriers: Renewable heat projects with long lead
Heat renewable heat sector obligation to increasing the use of Plan. times (including biomass CHP, geothermal heat and
renewable energy by 2020.In the biomethane production) may be unable to access
December 2013 Impact Assessment for finance if relying on the RHI.
the Renewable Heat Incentive, DECC Solution: Capital grants for large projects could
estimated a potential renewable heat release new capacity. This may be an alternative or a
output of 29-59TWhs per year by 2020, supplement to a tariff guarantee scheme or loan
up from 15TWhs in 2012. The large guarantee scheme,
majority of this is expected to be
delivered through the non-domestic
sector, especially in buildings. Delivery
of more large scale projects (eg £20m+)
in CHP and Biomethane will be critical
to reaching upper ranges of estimated
renewable deployment.
Energy Union Energy Public Sector public sector Upgrading the energy efficiency of Yes 0.5 0.1 Barriers: Energy efficiency building retrofits in the
Efficiency: Energy public sector buildings public sector are funded by those organisations and
public sector Efficiency sometimes through the government funded Salix
Finance public sector energy efficiency loan scheme.
The cost effective potential for energy efficiency retrofit
far exceeds the available funding.
Solution: ring-fenced fundiing for the public sector.
(district heating) development. A Authorites in important part in cost effectively Plan. Also in are starting to enter running for 14 months, supporting LAs in overcoming
number of large England and decarbonising heat in buildings up to several City procurement stages. capability and capacity barriers and developing
scale heat Wales, 2050. Economic models indicate that up Deals. proposals for heat networks especially in urban areas
networks working with to 20TWh/yr of heat demand could be and some on a city-wide scale. However, likely that
projects are the private cost effectively met by heat networks by some strategically important schemes will not be able
under sector, with 2020. DECC's Heat Network Delivery to offer sufficient returns for private investment while
development, support from Unit (HNDU) is supporting 122 projects still representing good vfm in terms of decarbonisation
including in DECC & in the feasibility and project Solution: A Local Authority capital fund from EU could
Stoke-on-Trent, potential development stages across 91 Local leverage private investment and get major city-wide
Tees Valley, Green Authority areas. Many of these are likely projects built, as would loan funds or loan guarantees.
Manchester, Investment to get to financial close in the next few
Enfield Bank years and be delivered over the next 10
(London), involvement years.
Exeter, Cardiff
Energy Union Non Domestic Large scale private The UK is committed to meeting our Yes In Carbon Various 5.0 <2 Barriers: Renewable heat projects with long lead
Heat renewable heat sector obligation to increasing the use of Plan. times (including biomass CHP, geothermal heat and
renewable energy by 2020.In the biomethane production) may be unable to access
December 2013 Impact Assessment for finance if relying on the RHI.
the Renewable Heat Incentive, DECC Solution: Capital grants for large projects could
estimated a potential renewable heat release new capacity. This may be an alternative or a
output of 29-59TWhs per year by 2020, supplement to a tariff guarantee scheme or loan
up from 15TWhs in 2012. The large guarantee scheme,
majority of this is expected to be
delivered through the non-domestic
sector, especially in buildings. Delivery
of more large scale projects (eg £20m+)
in CHP and Biomethane will be critical
to reaching upper ranges of estimated
renewable deployment.
Energy Union Energy Public Sector public sector Upgrading the energy efficiency of Yes 0.5 0.1 Barriers: Energy efficiency building retrofits in the
Efficiency: Energy public sector buildings public sector are funded by those organisations and
public sector Efficiency sometimes through the government funded Salix
Finance public sector energy efficiency loan scheme.
The cost effective potential for energy efficiency retrofit
far exceeds the available funding.
Solution: ring-fenced fundiing for the public sector.