Page 340 - ePaper
P. 340
Sector Subsector Private/Public/ Project Implementing Description Include Status Total Investment Barriers/solutions
PPP name agency d in invest- in 2015 –
nation ment 2017
al cost
invest (EUR (EUR bn)
ment bn)
Energy Union Connections public Double OHL ELES PCI project in North-South East Europe Yes ) Planning and 0.115 0.08 Environmental
and 400 kV to electricity grid of Electricity Priority Corridor; the project permitting in final constraints
production Hungary with Slovenia establishes first electricity stages, construction
the new interconnection between Slovenia and start expected 2016-
400/110 kV Hungary 2017.

Energy Union Connections private LNG Krk Plinovodi PCI projects in North-South East Gas Yes planning and permitting 0.6 0.035 Realization
and (HR) gas Priority Corridor; gas evacuation stages connected to LNG
production evacuation pipelines in connection to LNG Krk PCI Krk (HR).
pipelines project (HR) Construction could
towards HU, start in 2018, if there
SI and IT are no permitting
Energy Union Connections private Hydro power SRESA d.o.o. LOW-CARBON ENERGY Yes planning stages, 0.4 0.015 Permitting delays,
and plants on PRODUCTION necessary for Slovenian construction expected financing
production middle Sava CLIMATE-ENERGY GOALS 2020 to start in 2018 uncertainties

Transport Corridors and public Railway Ministry of Upgrading of the rail infrastructure will be yes For the first phase: 1.53 0.3 Lack of long term
missing links connection Infrastructure aligned with the TEN-T guidelines second track Divača - finance. A
Adriatic - Alps concerning core networks (100 km/h Koper, upgrading combination of EC
speed, 740 m-long trains and 22.5 ton section Zidani - most - grants (Cohesion
axle load) on the Baltic - Adriatic and Celje and Postaja fond and CEF), EIB
Mediterranean corridor. New tracks are Pragersko; planning and MS finance is
foreseen where only single track is and permitting are in envisaged.
operating. Upgrades and new tracks will final stages;
boost the competitiveness of the entire construction start
corridor as the greatest obstacle and expected in 2016. The
load restrictions will be removed. project will open by

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