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digital Railway Improvement in the Freight proposal is ready A combination of EC grants, EIB and
economy Transport field will concentrate critical MS finance as well as private capital
Cluster mass of material, infrastructure is envisaged.
and human resources Progress from intensive research and
necessary to systematically innovation activities can for
Or Or cover research and innovation application in practice require an
activities related to adjustment of some legislative
development of rail freight documents, regulations and
transport of new generation. It standards governing the design and
includes test circuit, research operation of rolling stock (eg. ... TSI).
Transport Business and testing facilities and
enablers longterm systematically It is necessary to involve all
research. stakeholders in rail freight transport.
The Centre will focus on 5
growth factors determined by Research is a long-term endeavour;
the 5L initiative: Low noise, research capacity and reputations
Lightweight, Long running, may take many years to build.
LCC – oriented and Logistics Funding must be excellence-based
capable. The research but significant new initiatives will need
concepts leads to a green rail nurturing as they move from infancy
transport logistic according to to maturity.
targets of EU White Paper on
Transport and White paper
Innovative Rail Freight Wagon

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