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emergence of new and small enterprises that can be leaders in different sectors such as
health care, manufacturing and the service industries.
European Value Added: Development of intelligent data processing will support
building a single digital market in Europe. It would also address priority actions
identified in the Communication of the Commission on data driven economy “Towards a
thriving data-driven economy” (COM(2014)442).
Project examples:
Creation of the main data warehouse and building a network of gauges covering all
EU countries, which will allow for continuous monitoring of key parameters, e.g.:
motorway traffic information, weather conditions, water levels and river flows; info
about natural disasters, road and rail accidents etc. (€200 mn);
Creation of a national data warehouse in each EU Member State and building of local
gauges networks, used in specific projects, e.g. ‘smart cities’ (each EU country €110
Regional deployment of LTE networks (€6 mn);
Deployment of high speed and ultra high speed broadband networks (€570 mn);
Construction of transmission corridors in rural areas (€180 mn).
4 Cross-sector projects, which also appear within the “Smart cities - intelligent energy and transport
management systems” project class.
5 Cross-sector projects, which also appear within the “Smart cities - intelligent energy and transport
management systems” project class.
health care, manufacturing and the service industries.
European Value Added: Development of intelligent data processing will support
building a single digital market in Europe. It would also address priority actions
identified in the Communication of the Commission on data driven economy “Towards a
thriving data-driven economy” (COM(2014)442).
Project examples:
Creation of the main data warehouse and building a network of gauges covering all
EU countries, which will allow for continuous monitoring of key parameters, e.g.:
motorway traffic information, weather conditions, water levels and river flows; info
about natural disasters, road and rail accidents etc. (€200 mn);
Creation of a national data warehouse in each EU Member State and building of local
gauges networks, used in specific projects, e.g. ‘smart cities’ (each EU country €110
Regional deployment of LTE networks (€6 mn);
Deployment of high speed and ultra high speed broadband networks (€570 mn);
Construction of transmission corridors in rural areas (€180 mn).
4 Cross-sector projects, which also appear within the “Smart cities - intelligent energy and transport
management systems” project class.
5 Cross-sector projects, which also appear within the “Smart cities - intelligent energy and transport
management systems” project class.