Page 753 - ePaper
P. 753
Sector Sub-sector Project Implementing Description Included Status Total Investment in Barriers/solutions
name agency in national investment 2015 –
investme cost 2017 (EUR
nt plan (EUR bn) bn)
Resources and Natural Circular Public/private Financing mechanism for Early 1,0 0,3 Investors face high initial
environment Resources economy investments in large scale high investments with long returns
facility tech recovery of materials like on investment. More risk
rare-earth metals, concrete, capacity needed. Furthermore
phosphate from solid or liquid uncertainty whether recovered
waste streams materials can be transported
and re-used or are regarded
as waste (regulatory
bottleneck: waste is defined
too widely)
Possibly a combination of of
existing EU programmes
(H2020, EFRO, LIFE) can
be used.
Resources and Natural Circular Netherlands In a circular economy, energy New 0,3 0,3 Vested interests benefiting
environment Resources : clusters Entreprise and materials are used far more from current linear production
Waste, retail, Agency intelligently by creating multiple modes (recycling industry,
logistics, high- uses, closing material loops and municipalities, dominant
tech use of renewable energy. market parties). Public
industries, This generates innovation, new funding is needed to kick start
cities jobs because of longer value private investments.
chains and stimulates resource
Economic opportunities arise on
the scale of European regions
(enough resources,
complementary business and
innovation networks, developed
Coordination problems, lack of
integral system analysis to
identify large scale economic
opportunities and lock-in
investments in linear production
processes hamper creating new
value chains across borders.
Creating a
Sector Sub-sector Project Implementing Description Included Status Total Investment in Barriers/solutions
name agency in national investment 2015 –
investme cost 2017 (EUR
nt plan (EUR bn) bn)
Resources and Natural Circular Public/private Financing mechanism for Early 1,0 0,3 Investors face high initial
environment Resources economy investments in large scale high investments with long returns
facility tech recovery of materials like on investment. More risk
rare-earth metals, concrete, capacity needed. Furthermore
phosphate from solid or liquid uncertainty whether recovered
waste streams materials can be transported
and re-used or are regarded
as waste (regulatory
bottleneck: waste is defined
too widely)
Possibly a combination of of
existing EU programmes
(H2020, EFRO, LIFE) can
be used.
Resources and Natural Circular Netherlands In a circular economy, energy New 0,3 0,3 Vested interests benefiting
environment Resources : clusters Entreprise and materials are used far more from current linear production
Waste, retail, Agency intelligently by creating multiple modes (recycling industry,
logistics, high- uses, closing material loops and municipalities, dominant
tech use of renewable energy. market parties). Public
industries, This generates innovation, new funding is needed to kick start
cities jobs because of longer value private investments.
chains and stimulates resource
Economic opportunities arise on
the scale of European regions
(enough resources,
complementary business and
innovation networks, developed
Coordination problems, lack of
integral system analysis to
identify large scale economic
opportunities and lock-in
investments in linear production
processes hamper creating new
value chains across borders.
Creating a