Page 732 - ePaper
P. 732
Energy Connections ROAD Private parties Project for CO2 capture, Ready to 0.2 0.2 The current CO2 price is too
Union and transport, and storage from the start. low to make this project
Production: Port of Rotterdam in the sea. economically profitable. This
Port issue applies to a broader
range of projects involving
Energy Energy Hisarna ULCOS In 2009 the Public Private After four 0.3 0.3 The project can help the
Union Efficiency: Partnership ULCOS (Ultra Low phases of European steel sector to
Steel sector CO2 Steelmaking) started with testing a improve its competitiveness,
testing new technologies for pig European especially v-a-v competitors
iron. This is called the Hisarna- partnership in low-cost energy countries
proces. This process costs 20% (GER, LUX, like the US. Banks are
less energy and results in a NL) will start reluctant with financing and
reduction of 20% of CO2- scaling of the it’s hard for the companies to
emissions. pilot phase to invest because of the low
produce pig margins on the steel market.
The consequence of a possible iron from the Low CO2-prices are a factor.
delay in scaling of the pilot phase beginning of
is that qualified employees will 2015 for a
leave and the installation will period of 6
become obsolete. months. This
requires big
Energy Energy Energie Energie Energiesprong an independent, Pilot phase Social housing Until 2017: Barriers: Sufficient
Union Efficiency in Sprong sprong non-for profit market (without deal 1.5 bln for affordable financing, also for
Buildings development team, supports refurbishment implicates 6 Dutch market the non-guaranteed
(« Energy greater scale and reinforces the subsidies) bln for Dutch only for social investments in the
jump ») existing energy efficiency market starts to market. housing. affordable housing and
structuring energy efficiency transition into private home owners
refurbishment programs for scaling up Making that Additional 1.5 category.
buildings. The program created delivery in succeed will bln for private Solution: Existing EIB
the market conditions to broker a 2015. be the homes. funding for targeted funds
deal for 111.000 Net Zero catalyst for could be expanded.
Energy refurbishments for social offerings in
housing in the Netherlands. the private
Refurbishments are done within market.
10 days per house, financed off Implicating
the energy bill savings and additional 2
come with a 30- year energy bn / year
performance warranty from the market.
This deal is driving the
construction sector into a
transformative innovation
trajectory, based on
prefabrication and
Union and transport, and storage from the start. low to make this project
Production: Port of Rotterdam in the sea. economically profitable. This
Port issue applies to a broader
range of projects involving
Energy Energy Hisarna ULCOS In 2009 the Public Private After four 0.3 0.3 The project can help the
Union Efficiency: Partnership ULCOS (Ultra Low phases of European steel sector to
Steel sector CO2 Steelmaking) started with testing a improve its competitiveness,
testing new technologies for pig European especially v-a-v competitors
iron. This is called the Hisarna- partnership in low-cost energy countries
proces. This process costs 20% (GER, LUX, like the US. Banks are
less energy and results in a NL) will start reluctant with financing and
reduction of 20% of CO2- scaling of the it’s hard for the companies to
emissions. pilot phase to invest because of the low
produce pig margins on the steel market.
The consequence of a possible iron from the Low CO2-prices are a factor.
delay in scaling of the pilot phase beginning of
is that qualified employees will 2015 for a
leave and the installation will period of 6
become obsolete. months. This
requires big
Energy Energy Energie Energie Energiesprong an independent, Pilot phase Social housing Until 2017: Barriers: Sufficient
Union Efficiency in Sprong sprong non-for profit market (without deal 1.5 bln for affordable financing, also for
Buildings development team, supports refurbishment implicates 6 Dutch market the non-guaranteed
(« Energy greater scale and reinforces the subsidies) bln for Dutch only for social investments in the
jump ») existing energy efficiency market starts to market. housing. affordable housing and
structuring energy efficiency transition into private home owners
refurbishment programs for scaling up Making that Additional 1.5 category.
buildings. The program created delivery in succeed will bln for private Solution: Existing EIB
the market conditions to broker a 2015. be the homes. funding for targeted funds
deal for 111.000 Net Zero catalyst for could be expanded.
Energy refurbishments for social offerings in
housing in the Netherlands. the private
Refurbishments are done within market.
10 days per house, financed off Implicating
the energy bill savings and additional 2
come with a 30- year energy bn / year
performance warranty from the market.
This deal is driving the
construction sector into a
transformative innovation
trajectory, based on
prefabrication and