Page 709 - ePaper
P. 709
In line with the other replies of The Netherlands to elements of the Task Force questionnaire and its interventions in the Task Force meetings, The Netherlands underlines the
importance it attaches to stimulating investment, notably in the private sector. Structural reforms are key for Europe’s future economic growth and competitiveness and will allow
Member States to establish a sustainably improved investment climate, resulting in a higher level of available market financing for viable investments. Furthermore, improved access
to mezzanine finance and equity for SME’s and Midcaps, flexibility and higher risk capacity of European financing facilities, as well as bundling of fragmented financing needs are
among the solutions suggested by The Netherlands to further stimulate investment.
The list below aims to present an illustrative sample of potential and existing projects, programs and instruments (from now on all referred to as ‘projects’), which The Netherlands
considers to illustrate bottle necks and/or potentially viable possibilities for investment in the Dutch and EU context. This list illustrates some of the issues mentioned in the Task Force,
it is however not limited to them. This list has been composed guided by the sectors and cross cutting issues mentioned in the Task Force Terms of Reference and the questionnaire
template. Not all bottle necks for investment in these sectors could be reflected in this list, moreover bottle necks to investment and other negative factors outside these sectors exist
and do not necessarily have less impact on growth and competitiveness. It is also important to note that the order in which the list has been drawn up does not imply any differentiation
regarding the importance The Netherlands attaches to the projects themselves or the underlying issues they represent.
Although this list has been composed with the greatest level of care possible within the time constraints of the Task Force process, it remains important to stress its illustrative and non
exhaustive character. As was agreed in the Task Force, this is a contribution to an indicative Task Force list. Given the short time frame, unfortunately only a limited group of stake
holders could be consulted, mainly, though certainly not exclusively, national government ministries. Their input was largely based on the existing information and contacts at their
disposal. This limited process was only deemed acceptable by all involved in view of the mentioned illustrative and non exhaustive character of the list. Moreover, to irrevocably
establish the economic, financial and social-economic viability and impact of some of these projects, their assessment should take place through a more extensive process using
appropriate and clear criteria, taking more time than was available to compose this list. The list is therefore in no way to be regarded as an exhaustive, formal or final pipeline of
investment possibilities in the Netherlands.
When projects appear on this list, this does not imply or exclude current or future commitment of public funding from the Dutch national government, nor from any other level of
government, private parties, or the European level. Nor does it imply or exclude current or future endorsement of or commitment to these projects by Dutch political decision makers.
Projects not included in the list are not excluded from any Dutch public funding, European funding or political endorsement. Commitment of any public funding to the listed projects will
require them to comply with the same criteria and processes as applied to non-listed projects requesting the same funding. In short, no rights can be derived from appearance or
omission of a project on this list.
In line with the other replies of The Netherlands to elements of the Task Force questionnaire and its interventions in the Task Force meetings, The Netherlands underlines the
importance it attaches to stimulating investment, notably in the private sector. Structural reforms are key for Europe’s future economic growth and competitiveness and will allow
Member States to establish a sustainably improved investment climate, resulting in a higher level of available market financing for viable investments. Furthermore, improved access
to mezzanine finance and equity for SME’s and Midcaps, flexibility and higher risk capacity of European financing facilities, as well as bundling of fragmented financing needs are
among the solutions suggested by The Netherlands to further stimulate investment.
The list below aims to present an illustrative sample of potential and existing projects, programs and instruments (from now on all referred to as ‘projects’), which The Netherlands
considers to illustrate bottle necks and/or potentially viable possibilities for investment in the Dutch and EU context. This list illustrates some of the issues mentioned in the Task Force,
it is however not limited to them. This list has been composed guided by the sectors and cross cutting issues mentioned in the Task Force Terms of Reference and the questionnaire
template. Not all bottle necks for investment in these sectors could be reflected in this list, moreover bottle necks to investment and other negative factors outside these sectors exist
and do not necessarily have less impact on growth and competitiveness. It is also important to note that the order in which the list has been drawn up does not imply any differentiation
regarding the importance The Netherlands attaches to the projects themselves or the underlying issues they represent.
Although this list has been composed with the greatest level of care possible within the time constraints of the Task Force process, it remains important to stress its illustrative and non
exhaustive character. As was agreed in the Task Force, this is a contribution to an indicative Task Force list. Given the short time frame, unfortunately only a limited group of stake
holders could be consulted, mainly, though certainly not exclusively, national government ministries. Their input was largely based on the existing information and contacts at their
disposal. This limited process was only deemed acceptable by all involved in view of the mentioned illustrative and non exhaustive character of the list. Moreover, to irrevocably
establish the economic, financial and social-economic viability and impact of some of these projects, their assessment should take place through a more extensive process using
appropriate and clear criteria, taking more time than was available to compose this list. The list is therefore in no way to be regarded as an exhaustive, formal or final pipeline of
investment possibilities in the Netherlands.
When projects appear on this list, this does not imply or exclude current or future commitment of public funding from the Dutch national government, nor from any other level of
government, private parties, or the European level. Nor does it imply or exclude current or future endorsement of or commitment to these projects by Dutch political decision makers.
Projects not included in the list are not excluded from any Dutch public funding, European funding or political endorsement. Commitment of any public funding to the listed projects will
require them to comply with the same criteria and processes as applied to non-listed projects requesting the same funding. In short, no rights can be derived from appearance or
omission of a project on this list.