Page 64 - ePaper
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Resources and Resilience public Coast defence MOW and PMV Improvement of the coast yes Under 0,22 0,20 Particular asset class in
Environment to Climate private plan line of Flanders by uplifting consideration PPP might hamper (long
Change the current coast line level term) private project
finance fund flowing to
the project. EIB loans or
credit enhancement
instruments at attractive
terms may facilitate PPP

Resources and Natural public Water Aquafin N.V. On-going process of Yes On going for 0,20 0,10 Current financial plans
Environment resources: private purification extending water-purification the period are covered by EIB, for a
efficient and equipment 2015-2016; 50 %-proportion (for the
secure financial period 2015-2016). For
availability resources : to the next period (2017-
be planned for 2018), a same
the period investprogramme is
2017-2018 foreseen; possble
retreat of EIB out of the
financial consortium
would seriously hamper
this program

Resources and Natural public Blue Gate PMV / City of The site of 113 ha is the No First 0,07 0,03 The complexity of the
Environment resources: private Antwerp Antwerp / most important remediation investment projects, due to serious
efficient use Flanders project in redevelopment in phase is pollutions, in
and secure Flanders. The realisation of expected in combination with the
availability an inland flood protection 2016 long completion times
along the river Schelde and and the relative
the explicit ambition of the uncertainty about the
promotors to make this site P&L of this project
an example of low carbon affects the bankability of
energy generation and the this regeneration project
integration into networks, is in a negative way. EIB
anchoring this site within lending or credit
several key sectors detected enhancement
by the Taskforce. instruments (e.g.
JESSICA funds) might
help to tackle these
financing issues.

Knowledge Private R&D private Avantium PMV company developing novel, no investment 0,20 0,15 Large financing
and the Digital sustainable beverage decision requirement to develop
Economy packaging solutions pending final the project at scale
due diligence
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