Page 609 - ePaper
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links/ A Ai ir rp po or rt t in the territory of EU. “Evaluatio EUR EUR coordination and
Urban “ “D Da au ug ga av vp pi il ls s Thus it has a unique n of permitting
transport ” ” geopolitical location Daugavpils problems, leading
providing a link Airport to possible delays.
between EU, Russia Developm
and Belarus. At the ent’s
moment airport airfield influence Seeking for
is certified as general on potential investors
aviation airfield, environme in order to involve
airfield code 2C. nt” is an enterprise in the
Development vision of being role of airport
Daugavpils Airport is prepared. operator.
to become an Next step
international regional shall be the
airport by 2025 developme
providing services for nt of
regular national and technical
international air traffic, project.
business, charter and
private aviation flights,
offering passenger,
cargo and mail
transportation to Baltic
States, Scandinavian,
Western European and
CIS countries.
Social Infrastructure
47. Social Education Develop- University of Latvia, Info Concept 100 60 million Barriers:
The main foreseen rmati
Infrastructure and training ment of the (UL), private investors activities/goal: on on the project million EUR Insufficient funding
second develop developed EUR total Solutions:
phase of the Development of the and expenses Partially financing
University project and ofapproved of the from EU funds,
of Latvia construction of Life ULby theconstruc- attraction .of
approved Riga City tion of the
campus: Life Science academic private investors for
Sciences and campus, Stem Cell, theauthorities UL technology transfer
Technology Cabinet and the UL campus in units, mobilization
transfer. Laser and Nanotech- of Senate. Tornaklans of funds from
nology process transfer Ministers conversion of
and innovation units in Aug. existing real estate
(incubator) in 2011. objects operated by
Tornakalns region, the university.
Riga entity of
the UL
Urban “ “D Da au ug ga av vp pi il ls s Thus it has a unique n of permitting
transport ” ” geopolitical location Daugavpils problems, leading
providing a link Airport to possible delays.
between EU, Russia Developm
and Belarus. At the ent’s
moment airport airfield influence Seeking for
is certified as general on potential investors
aviation airfield, environme in order to involve
airfield code 2C. nt” is an enterprise in the
Development vision of being role of airport
Daugavpils Airport is prepared. operator.
to become an Next step
international regional shall be the
airport by 2025 developme
providing services for nt of
regular national and technical
international air traffic, project.
business, charter and
private aviation flights,
offering passenger,
cargo and mail
transportation to Baltic
States, Scandinavian,
Western European and
CIS countries.
Social Infrastructure
47. Social Education Develop- University of Latvia, Info Concept 100 60 million Barriers:
The main foreseen rmati
Infrastructure and training ment of the (UL), private investors activities/goal: on on the project million EUR Insufficient funding
second develop developed EUR total Solutions:
phase of the Development of the and expenses Partially financing
University project and ofapproved of the from EU funds,
of Latvia construction of Life ULby theconstruc- attraction .of
approved Riga City tion of the
campus: Life Science academic private investors for
Sciences and campus, Stem Cell, theauthorities UL technology transfer
Technology Cabinet and the UL campus in units, mobilization
transfer. Laser and Nanotech- of Senate. Tornaklans of funds from
nology process transfer Ministers conversion of
and innovation units in Aug. existing real estate
(incubator) in 2011. objects operated by
Tornakalns region, the university.
Riga entity of
the UL