Page 564 - ePaper
P. 564
Country : LATVIA
Project list
No Sector Sub-sector Project Implementing agency Description Included Status Total Investment Barriers/solutions
name in investment in 2015 –
national cost 2017
nt plan
Knowledge and the digital economy
1. Knowledge Public R&D Creative Innovation infrastructure Project Creative No Formulate 75 million 37 million Barriers:
and the digital Industries will be supervised and Industries R&D Cluster d in EUR EUR lack of enabling
economy R&D managed by Triple Helix is intended as accordance government
Cluster of academy (i.e. Latvian innovation with (infrastructure)
Art Academy, Latvian infrastructure that will National investment; lack of
Music Academy, Latvian provide creative Developm confidence and
Culture Academy), industries with three ent Plan risk-taking in the
public authority and components: human of Latvia private sector;
representatives of resources, for 2014–
creative industry technological resources 2020 (Goal Solutions:
and research and 3 Project is related to
development services. Developm ICT and also will
Project Creative ent of facilitate tourism
Industries R&D Cluster commercia sector.
will be implemented in l creative
the subsequent creative industries)
economy areas: design, Timing
cinema, visual arts, 2015-2020
music, printing and
publishing industry,
computer games and
interactive programme
products, culture
heritage and culture
2. Knowledge Private R&D Venture JSC “Single Pan Baltic ventureYes Timing 100 25 million Barriers:
and the digital capital Development Institution” capital fund should be 2016 - million EUR Venture capital
economy investments continued following 2017 EUR market in Baltic
in innovative success of currently states is
SMEs for active Baltic undeveloped thus
expansion Innovation fund. It will access to finance
and facilitate private co- for a innovtive
Project list
No Sector Sub-sector Project Implementing agency Description Included Status Total Investment Barriers/solutions
name in investment in 2015 –
national cost 2017
nt plan
Knowledge and the digital economy
1. Knowledge Public R&D Creative Innovation infrastructure Project Creative No Formulate 75 million 37 million Barriers:
and the digital Industries will be supervised and Industries R&D Cluster d in EUR EUR lack of enabling
economy R&D managed by Triple Helix is intended as accordance government
Cluster of academy (i.e. Latvian innovation with (infrastructure)
Art Academy, Latvian infrastructure that will National investment; lack of
Music Academy, Latvian provide creative Developm confidence and
Culture Academy), industries with three ent Plan risk-taking in the
public authority and components: human of Latvia private sector;
representatives of resources, for 2014–
creative industry technological resources 2020 (Goal Solutions:
and research and 3 Project is related to
development services. Developm ICT and also will
Project Creative ent of facilitate tourism
Industries R&D Cluster commercia sector.
will be implemented in l creative
the subsequent creative industries)
economy areas: design, Timing
cinema, visual arts, 2015-2020
music, printing and
publishing industry,
computer games and
interactive programme
products, culture
heritage and culture
2. Knowledge Private R&D Venture JSC “Single Pan Baltic ventureYes Timing 100 25 million Barriers:
and the digital capital Development Institution” capital fund should be 2016 - million EUR Venture capital
economy investments continued following 2017 EUR market in Baltic
in innovative success of currently states is
SMEs for active Baltic undeveloped thus
expansion Innovation fund. It will access to finance
and facilitate private co- for a innovtive