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41 Knowledge ICT Connected Private sector Development of a dense submarine fiber network connecting major Yes Planning into final 0.100 1. High Capex cost per km for
and the Infrastructure Islands - islands to the mainland, providing island interconnection and stages. Project on submarine fibre infrastructure
digital Ministry of backhauling. hold due to the lack 2. Lack of public funding as there is no
room to increase Public Investment
economy Infrastructure, The majority of the islands though have very limited or no fiber of funding. Tender Programme
Transport and connection to the Greek mainland, making the provision of NGA 2015. 3. Isolated islands with small
Networks broadband services almost impossible. Lack of fiber infrastructure State aid population and seasonal demand
makes the provision of 4G and above cellular services not possible notification around the year and low penetrations.
as there is a lack of backhauling capable for next generation cellular clearance 4. Complicated licencing procedures to
data services. 2015. land the submarine cables, especially
Construction in areas of high touristic interest.
2016. 5. Economic crisis squeezed further
Completion 2020. the Average Revenues Per User
a. Facilitate co-investments reducing
the necessary risk of such long term
b. Minimize the licencing procedures
for landing submarine cables within the
scope of the project.
c. Secure EU backing for the project in
the framework of the Juncker package
leveraging private investments by also
building up fibre infrastructure
interconnecting Europe with middle

42 Knowledge Public and Metropolitan Ministry of The proposed Metropolitan Innovation Campus of Attica (MIC) aims No Mapping of 0.0123 0.0123 1. Significant fragmentation of the
and the Private R&D Innovation Education to create a common umbrella of Research Centers and Universities scientific fields, R&D effort in Attica.
digital Campus of (Point of Excellence) in the region of Attica for both basic and applied infrastructure, and 2. Research doesn’t find its way to
economy Attica (MIC) research, to reach critical mass to effectively compete on EU and services of Attica the market: disconnect between
global scale and to bridge the gap between research and industry, region industry and labs, lack of product
lab and market. market-pull, lack of industry-
Negotiate business research centers synergies.
with academic Research centers and universities
institutions of lack in technology spin-out and
Attica. startup culture and funding.

Planning for SOLUTIONS:
starting up in 2015 1. A common umbrella of research
activities of the Research Centers
and Universities of the Attica
2. Services / Products of MIC will
feel the gaps between academia
and industry.

43 Energy Connections Energy CERTH The “Energy Corridors” flagship vision is to activate a critical number Yes, partially. Planning and 0.1500 0.1 Lack of public financing and some
Union and production Corridors: of resources, located in the broader area of Macedonia-Thrace, and Currently action taken to regulatory barriers in the energy
Backbone for to create synergies among them with the aim of establishing an elements of the include elements of sector
Sustainable innovation-ecosystem of renewable/‘zero or low carbon footprint’ “Energy the “Energy
Growth production oriented, small and medium enterprises and technology, Corridors” project Corridors” project SOLUTIONS:
research and development providers, that will transform the Region related to to the National A combination of public, private
and foster economic development through the production of novel Research Research and institutional funding sources is
commercial products. Infrastructures are Infrastructures and under exploration
included in the other initiatives
National such as the
Roadmap with an EUSAIR (EU
estimated budget Strategy for the
of 30 Million Adriatic and Ionian
Euros. Region)
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