Page 295 - ePaper
P. 295
Resources and Environment Natural private Biorefinery and EKOKEM Oyj (Private To build a biorefinery that will process mixed biowaste Yes Readiness to start in 0.0 0.0 Lack of public investment
resources: plastic reatment company) and a plastic treatment facility that will process and 2015 or 2016 Total funding, private funding
efficient and facility in Riihimäki recycly plastic packings and other plastic wastes from investment cost 20 available
secure households. The consumer plastic treatment fasility million euros and
availability would be first in kind in Finland. Investement in 2015-
2017 is
approximately 10
million euros
Resources and Environment Resilience to public Innovation Ministry of the To launch innovation ecosystems to create a No Demos Helsinki has 0.0 0.0 Solutions: This type of
Climate private Ecosystems for Environment (MoE) and community of startup companies to provide coordinated Peloton ecosystem approach has
Change Low-Carbon Demos Helsinki (think consumers with products and services that allow e.g. Club (2013-2014) proved invaluable in a
Economy thank) low emission and resource-smart housing, transport or funded by MoE. Now number of contexts before
food. the idea is to including in Silicon
develop the model, Valley.These firms have
involve a group of benefited from their
medium to large symbiotic relations to the
companies and work government both in terms of
also together with research and enabling
Swedish and regulation. Innovation
Norwegian ecosystems give birth to new
counterparts. value chains and network
Total investment effects linking companies
cost 3 million euros with state, municipalities,
and Investement in startup-companies and local
2015-2017 is communities. Barriers: To
approximately 3 attract big companies and
million euros SME's.
Resources and Environment Natural public The procurement The Finnish Environment The new vessesls would be multipurpuse vessels with No Possible start 2016- 0.1 0.1 Barriers: Lack of national
resources: of oil- and Institute an appility to collect oil- and chemical spills and to 2017, if national funding and decisions
efficient and chemical response prevent the pollution of nature and shorelines at the funding and
secure vessels Archipelago. decisions are made
availability Finland's minimum objective for 2015 is to be able to Total investment
respond to 30-ton oil spill at the Gulf of Finland, 20-ton cost 100 million
at the Archipelago Sea and 5-ton at the Gulf of euros and
Bothnia in three days when waters are open and in ten Investement in 2015-
days under icy conditions. 2017 is
approximately 50
million euros

Resources and Environment Natural public Strategy for Ministry of Environment Restoration of waters support the targets of good yes Strategy paper of 0.1 0.0 Both Eu finance together
resources: private Restoration of status of waters as in Water Framework directive. the Ministry of with private sector allocation
efficient and Waters The total sum of impolementation is 70 miljon euros Environment would secure the
secure and 2015-17 needed investments are 20 miljon euros implementation of restoration
availability programme
Resources and Environment Natural public National plan of Ministry of Environment Plan fo developing infrastructure of sewers in yes plan is accepted by 0.2 0.1 lack of finance has slowed
resources: private Sewers and Ministry of agglomerations and scattered settlements. Ministry of down the implementation.
efficient and Agriculture and Forestry Environment and Investment finance from EU
secure Ministry of would help the private sector
availability Agriculture and to allocate finance.
Resources and Environment Natural public Refurbishing of Centre for Economic Prioritazed contaminated areas are remedied. This No National action plan 0.0 0.0 Barriers: Lack of national
resources: prioritazed Development, transport means that their negative impacts and risks are available. Total public funding
efficient and contaminated and the Environment investigated and assessed, and either eliminated or investment cost 3
secure areas for economic significantly reduced to enable economic use. million euros and
availability use Investement in 2015-
2017 is
approximately 1,5
million euros.
Resources and environment Resilience to Private Modern forest Metsä Group and Modern forest based carbon neutral biorefinery to be No Waiting for the 1.1 1.1 Solution: Finland is an
Climate change biorefinery partners located in Äänekoski environmental excellent environment for
permit private large-scale
bioerefineries. A lot of key
players included in this
project. Focus in
manufacturing industry and
energy. Barriers: none
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