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Knowledge and the Digital ICT PPP Broadband 2015 - Municipalities, Regional The ongoing Broadband 2015 project is aiming at No ongoing 90 M € Networks in rural areas are
Economy Infrastructure Improving the Councils, telecom increasing the availability of 100 Mbps broadband not built in market terms.
broeadband companies, Finnish subscriptions in the rural areas that are very sparsely Lack of enabling government
connectivity in Communications populated. Aid for building the network in rural areas is investment.ull coverage of
rural areas Regulatory Authoritys, essential. At the moment there is additional need for fast broadband is essential
Ministry of Transport and public funding (about 1/3 of total investment) in order for the development and
Communications to meet the goal for this project. digital service provision (both
domestic and cross-border)
in the rural areas, including
the Arctic region.
Knowledge and the Digital ICT PPP Increasing internet Ministry of Transport and Establishing a new global FICIX-internet exchange No 2 M € New internet exchange point
Economy Infrastructure exchange capacity Communications, point to Finland. would have numerous
and high speed FICORA, FICIX advantages f.ecx reducing
communication latency in European
networks connections, thus attracting
data-intensive foreign
Knowledge and the Digital ICT- PPP Trusted European Ministry of Transport and Developing cloud computing platforms and cloud No 45 M € Providing trusted European
Economy infrastructure Cloud Communications, provider company clusters. Establishing a trusted cloud services. Finding new
Universities, cloud cloud environment on a European level. business/service models and
computing companies, boosting cloud industry.
broad PPP-cooperation
Knowledge and the Digital Private R&D Private Secure ubiquitous Aalto University, Intelligence and network connectivity have become No 6 M € The secure communication
Economy and embedded Tampere University of important competitive features of everyday objects. and software technologies
devices Technology, 5-10 Intelligent devices in our living and working and platforms and design
companies environment can improve work productivity and expertise created in this
individual wellbeing, reduce costs, and provide project will be shared
valuable information about product use. However, between companies. They
great security challenges arise when millions, or provide European design,
billions, of new devices are connected to the Internet manufacturing and service
and to cloud-based services. The software, hardware businesses an advantage in
and communication on these devices has to be the competitive market for
protected against hacking and other malicious attacks, network and cloud-
and personal and business data must remain connected ubiquitous
confidential. This requires scalable security objects. Starting the work on
architectures and protocols, as well as trusted case studies from several
computing technologies and security testing European design and
techniques. Moreover, the security controls must be manufacturing companies
designed to be non-intrusive and natural for the users. will ensure that the research
Usable, trustworthy security solutions will be a critical results are relevant and have
competitive requirement for the network-connected a short-to-medium term
objects. impact on the business, in
Thus, we propose developing secure communication addition to providing long-
and platform technologies for ubiquitous and term research knowledge.
embedded computing in everyday objects. The project The project can be started by
will combine engineering, design and manufacturing 2017.
expertise. Case studies will be selected from
companies in different sectors, e.g. sports textiles,
forestry and farming equipment, care for the elderly,
and toys and games. The focus is on transferring
academic research knowledge into practical product
and service design.
Economy Infrastructure Improving the Councils, telecom increasing the availability of 100 Mbps broadband not built in market terms.
broeadband companies, Finnish subscriptions in the rural areas that are very sparsely Lack of enabling government
connectivity in Communications populated. Aid for building the network in rural areas is investment.ull coverage of
rural areas Regulatory Authoritys, essential. At the moment there is additional need for fast broadband is essential
Ministry of Transport and public funding (about 1/3 of total investment) in order for the development and
Communications to meet the goal for this project. digital service provision (both
domestic and cross-border)
in the rural areas, including
the Arctic region.
Knowledge and the Digital ICT PPP Increasing internet Ministry of Transport and Establishing a new global FICIX-internet exchange No 2 M € New internet exchange point
Economy Infrastructure exchange capacity Communications, point to Finland. would have numerous
and high speed FICORA, FICIX advantages f.ecx reducing
communication latency in European
networks connections, thus attracting
data-intensive foreign
Knowledge and the Digital ICT- PPP Trusted European Ministry of Transport and Developing cloud computing platforms and cloud No 45 M € Providing trusted European
Economy infrastructure Cloud Communications, provider company clusters. Establishing a trusted cloud services. Finding new
Universities, cloud cloud environment on a European level. business/service models and
computing companies, boosting cloud industry.
broad PPP-cooperation
Knowledge and the Digital Private R&D Private Secure ubiquitous Aalto University, Intelligence and network connectivity have become No 6 M € The secure communication
Economy and embedded Tampere University of important competitive features of everyday objects. and software technologies
devices Technology, 5-10 Intelligent devices in our living and working and platforms and design
companies environment can improve work productivity and expertise created in this
individual wellbeing, reduce costs, and provide project will be shared
valuable information about product use. However, between companies. They
great security challenges arise when millions, or provide European design,
billions, of new devices are connected to the Internet manufacturing and service
and to cloud-based services. The software, hardware businesses an advantage in
and communication on these devices has to be the competitive market for
protected against hacking and other malicious attacks, network and cloud-
and personal and business data must remain connected ubiquitous
confidential. This requires scalable security objects. Starting the work on
architectures and protocols, as well as trusted case studies from several
computing technologies and security testing European design and
techniques. Moreover, the security controls must be manufacturing companies
designed to be non-intrusive and natural for the users. will ensure that the research
Usable, trustworthy security solutions will be a critical results are relevant and have
competitive requirement for the network-connected a short-to-medium term
objects. impact on the business, in
Thus, we propose developing secure communication addition to providing long-
and platform technologies for ubiquitous and term research knowledge.
embedded computing in everyday objects. The project The project can be started by
will combine engineering, design and manufacturing 2017.
expertise. Case studies will be selected from
companies in different sectors, e.g. sports textiles,
forestry and farming equipment, care for the elderly,
and toys and games. The focus is on transferring
academic research knowledge into practical product
and service design.