Page 267 - ePaper
P. 267
Energy Corridors and   New Fingrid/Finland, Svenska This investment would help Finland to increase Yes The project is on the 0.2 TBC Swedish TSO has been
missing links interconnection Kraftnät/Sweden security of supply and secure affordable electricity Nordic Grid reluctant to take the project
between Northern costs for industry and other consumers.Finland is Development plan on their investment list even
Finland and highly dependent on electricity imports through DC though the project would
Northern Sweden interconnectors which have shown to be less reliable help the situation in the
than previously anticipated. This constitutes a threat to Northern Sweden. At the
security of supply. New AC interconnector would help moment the Swedish TSO is
the situation significantly.In addition, Northern Sweden prioritising reinforcements to
has surplus capacity in electricity production. This their internal networks and
surplus could be exported to Finland which would
postponing cross-border
bring economic benefits to both countries.In addition, projects.
Northern Sweden has surplus capacity in electricity
production. This surplus could be exported to Finland
which would bring economic benefits to both

Energy Corridors and   Reinforcements of Fingrid/Finland In order to use the transmission system optimally after Yes These projects are 0.3 0.2  
missing links the Finnish the new interconnection, also the internal connections on the Nordic Grid
has to be reinforced.These investments would also
Development plan
network help to integrate increasing amount of intermittent
renewable energy and other CO2-free production to
the system.

Energy Union Connections PPP Smart renewable VTT, later utility Integrated smart energy concept demonstration for No under preparation 0.1 0.1 Solution: Finland is the best
and production intermittent renewable energy production and storage reference environment for
the integrated smart energy
concept. A lot of key players
will be included in this
project. Focus in
manufacturing industry and
energy. Barriers:
Demonstration risk

Energy Union Connections PPP Arctic off-shore Innopower/Mervento/Raj Off-shore wind energy parks in the arctic conditions in No First projects ready 1.2 0.8 Solution: Finland is an
and production wind parks akiiri/Hyötytuuli/Suomen the Baltic Sea region. Several projects along the coast to be implemented excellent environment for
Merituulivoima/Propel of the Bothnian Bay private-public collaboration
Voima and local power for arctic off-shore wind
energy plants. A lot of key
players included in this
project. Focus in
manufacturing industry,
energy and health. Barriers:
land planning and
environmental permitting

Initiative 2. ICT, digital economy                      
and science infrastructure  

Sector Subsector Private/P Project name Implementing agency Description Included in Status Total invest- Investme Barriers/solutions
ublic/PPP national ment cost nt in 2015
investment (EUR bn) – 2017
plan (EUR bn)
2. a Centralized ICT for Social and Health Care Regions 
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