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P. 205
List of Projects - Knowledge and Digital Economy

Sector Subsector Private/Public/ Project name Implementing Description Included in Status Total invest- Investment in Barriers/solutions
PPP agency national ment costs 2015 – 2017
investment plan (EUR bn) (EUR bn)
Knowledge Public R&D public ALLEGRO Project consortium of ALLEGRO is a Gas-cooled Fast Reactor No A Memorandum of Understanding n.a. (for CZ) 0,13 n.a. (for CZ) Lack of long term finance, Low
and the research (GFR) demonstrator, as identified in the was signed on 20 May, 2010 between (PL) 0,06 (PL) propensity of private sector to
Digital institutes roadmap for development of the GFR ÚJV Řež, a.s. (Czech Republic), co-fund research
Economy technology. The project is run by a MTA-EK Budapest (Hungary) and infrastructures
consortium of research institutes. It is to VUJE, a.s. (Slovakia). The National
be implemented in HU, SK, CZ, and PL. Centre of Nuclear Research (NCBJ)
Warsaw (Poland) signed the
Memorandum of Understanding in
2012 as associated member.
Knowledge ICT public private Enhancement of CZ.NIC The aim is to support the internet end No Currently, in the framework of the 0.030 0.0275 The main barrier preventing
and the Infrastructure the internet end users' (households and small enterprises TURRIS pilot project, 1,000 units of launch of such device
Digital users' security by in particular) protection and ensure high the safe device were produced and production is the price to be
Economy European level of protection of their privacy thanks distributed predominantly in the paid by end users, which are in
technologies to the production of such device (modem, Czech Republic. In 2015, there are most cases not capable of
router) in the EU. Currently EU has to plans to produce additional 1 000 paying higher price (approx. 3x
count on Chinese or American devices, units, but this will by far not cover the higher than now) for their
which are often inconsistent with the existing demand. The data from security. Given that the
European concept of security and privacy. these devices are evaluated by the protection of end users and the
100 000 end devices would be produced, Czech national cybersecurity team, cybernetic security is in the
which would be distributed in at least 5 - 7 the CSIRT.CZ, which also draws on best interest of not only the
EU countries.The project would have clear the findings of similar institutions in state, PPP would be a solution.
EU added value represented by usin the EU and of the ENISA agency.
g the devices in different EU countries Other EU member states such as
and by the cooperation on the analysis Estonia, Finland, Slovakia and
of malware (bonets) among other Slovenia have already expressed an
European workplaces, particularly of interest in the project and equipment
CERT/CSIRT type. was provided to them for pilot testing.
Knowledge ICT public private Interconnection of CZ.NIC The aim of the project is the creation or No At present a pilot phase of FENIX 0.025 0.020 The main barriers for its
and the Infrastructure reliable networks reliable networks for the data transfers project is being implemented in the smooth implementation are
Digital and establishment and their accessibility in the case of Czech Republic, which covers the organizational and technical
Economy of "European cybernetic attack (DoS). The condition for mutual interconnection of reliable requirements. The other barrier
internet" (EUNet). connection of individual networks is networks that would be enlarged by is the current limited national
abidance of certain organizational and other European partners. A wider range of the project,
technical measures guaranteeing the circle would be created offering the which covers only the partners
ability to effectively face the cybernetic European on-line contents and in the Czech Republic. The
threats and react to them accordingly. services and the project can be barrier could be removed by
When the cybernetic attack happens implemented in a short term period. establishing similar networks in
these networks are disconnected from the Currently, the project involves nine other EU countries and their
attackers' networks and ensure operation members including - the direct connection, so called
only among themselves. As many as biggest search engine in the Czech "peering".
possible subjects from EU are involved Republic, Telefonica O2 - the largest
and the safe and protected "European Internet service provider for end
internet" can be created in case of a users or web hosting companies like
cybernetic attack. THe project would bring Active 24.
clear EU added value as Europe is
currently not capable of facing cybernetic
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