Page 197 - ePaper
P. 197
Country: Cyprus
Project List
of venture capital in these
highly innovative
companies, whereas in
Cyprus this is not possible
due to the present
economic situation.
2 Researc Proposed Not Science Ministry The Science Technology Indirectly: Assigning Not defined
h research fields defined Technolo of Park (STP) in Cyprus, is The Republic external Estimations
Innovati (to be defined): yet. gy Park Energy, expected to be in the form of Cyprus will Consultants EUR 20-
on x Telecommunicat Maybe Commerc of a Knowledge Park with provide the to prepare 100 millions
Technol ions, BOT e, the scope of promoting Land. and publish (according
ogy Information Industry research, innovation and (appr. the tender to costs of
Technology, and technology in order to 300 000 and contract other
Nanotechnology Tourism enhance the sqm.) documents Technology
, Science Cyprus entrepreneurial and The Land will for a Parks built
x Pharmaceutical industrial development of be leased to Strategic in Europe)
s, Biomedicine, Cyprus and its the Strategic Operator.
Biotechnology transformation into a Operator Estimated
x Green regional research and time for
Sciences, innovation center that will publishing
Botanology,Agri contribute to the the tender:
culture diversification of the March 2015
x Natural gas economy. Incentives to
crude oil and It is expected that the STP be defined
petrol will provide quality jobs to after
derivatives – high calibre graduates discussion
Petrochemicals through the creation and with the
R&D operation of applied Consultants
research and development and
centers, office and support negotiations
facilities suitable for with the
science and technology Strategic
businesses and the Operator
creation of business
incubators and clusters.
3 Social Built Public Peri Water The project will support Yes In Progress, 0.75 bn 0.100bn Macroeco
infrastru environment Urban Develop Cyprus’ Central Very slow nomic
cture. and urban waste ment Government’s strategy for implementati uncertaint
Resourc services Water Departme compliance with the EC on because y and lack
es and Treatment nt, Urban Waste Water of of Fiscal
environ Ministry Treatment Directive macroecono space.
ment of (“UWWTD”) and will cover mic Though
Agricultur a defined programme of uncertainty EIB has
e and major investments in and lack of approved
Project List
of venture capital in these
highly innovative
companies, whereas in
Cyprus this is not possible
due to the present
economic situation.
2 Researc Proposed Not Science Ministry The Science Technology Indirectly: Assigning Not defined
h research fields defined Technolo of Park (STP) in Cyprus, is The Republic external Estimations
Innovati (to be defined): yet. gy Park Energy, expected to be in the form of Cyprus will Consultants EUR 20-
on x Telecommunicat Maybe Commerc of a Knowledge Park with provide the to prepare 100 millions
Technol ions, BOT e, the scope of promoting Land. and publish (according
ogy Information Industry research, innovation and (appr. the tender to costs of
Technology, and technology in order to 300 000 and contract other
Nanotechnology Tourism enhance the sqm.) documents Technology
, Science Cyprus entrepreneurial and The Land will for a Parks built
x Pharmaceutical industrial development of be leased to Strategic in Europe)
s, Biomedicine, Cyprus and its the Strategic Operator.
Biotechnology transformation into a Operator Estimated
x Green regional research and time for
Sciences, innovation center that will publishing
Botanology,Agri contribute to the the tender:
culture diversification of the March 2015
x Natural gas economy. Incentives to
crude oil and It is expected that the STP be defined
petrol will provide quality jobs to after
derivatives – high calibre graduates discussion
Petrochemicals through the creation and with the
R&D operation of applied Consultants
research and development and
centers, office and support negotiations
facilities suitable for with the
science and technology Strategic
businesses and the Operator
creation of business
incubators and clusters.
3 Social Built Public Peri Water The project will support Yes In Progress, 0.75 bn 0.100bn Macroeco
infrastru environment Urban Develop Cyprus’ Central Very slow nomic
cture. and urban waste ment Government’s strategy for implementati uncertaint
Resourc services Water Departme compliance with the EC on because y and lack
es and Treatment nt, Urban Waste Water of of Fiscal
environ Ministry Treatment Directive macroecono space.
ment of (“UWWTD”) and will cover mic Though
Agricultur a defined programme of uncertainty EIB has
e and major investments in and lack of approved