Page 113 - ePaper
P. 113
Social Built Public/Priv Early Vlaamse Creation of 4000 new places Yes Investment 0,128 0,064 Lack of budgetary and
infrastructure environment ate Childhood care Gemeenschaps daycare in Brussel within the decision taken - financial means in the
and urban provideres commisie (VGC) structures of early childhood medium-term community budget.
services care providers planning 20% places could be
realisation funded by the VGC.
2020 Cost estimates for the
remaining 80% places
amounts to 128 m EUR

Social Built Public/Priv Early Vlaamse Creation of 2000 new places Yes Planning and 0,013 0,006 Lack of budgetary and
infrastructure environment ate Childhood care Gemeenschaps extramural (after school analysing financial means in the
and urban provideres commisie (VGC) activities) in Brussel within several school- community budget. 20%
services the structures of schools locations in places could be funded
Brussel - by the VGC. Cost
medium-term estimates for the
planning remaining 80% places
realisation amounts to 12,8 m EUR

Housing Building of public Alliance habitat - Minister of In order to tackle the Yes Programme 1,90 0,30 Co-ordination between
housing Housing shortage in housing for “Alliance the actors =>
- Brussels- middle incomes and Habitat” establishment of a Co-
Capital Region subsidised dwellings in adopted by the ordinating Council for
housing general in Brussels, the Government of housing
company Government committed itself the Brussels-
(SLRB) to start with the production Capital Region Funding of the
- Housing fund of 6.500 public dwellings by in September programme => financial
of the Brussels- 2019 through the 2013 analysis in progress
Capital Region programme “Alliance
(FDL) habitat” of which 5.120 to Re- The purchase of land
Community (4.000), of the Housing fund e-tuning of the Respect and reduction
Land Trust (1.000) and of NPO CLTB financial plan of delivery terms (urban
Brussels (CLTB) (120). The first stage after the planning permit,
consists in acquiring the consolidation environmental permit,
land indispensable for the of the SLRB public contracts, etc.) =>
development of a and FDL introduction of the
programme of the kind. It is "assemblier
estimated that a surface of régional"(regional
about 500.000 m² is assembly)
necessary. Some of these
surfaces are already owned
by public authorities but
some will have to be
purchased. In addition,
feasibility studies to develop
the projects will be needed
and funds may be needed
for soil decontamination
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