Page 7 - ePaper
P. 7
This Investment Plan provides a sizable additional boost. The addition of € 315 billion of
investment finance is the equivalent of 2% of the EU's GDP over three years. It means
practically doubling the investment capacity of the EU budget. A key aspect of the Plan is to
make sure that this money is put to work, channelled towards the real needs of the
economy, and can get off to a quick start.

This is just one aspect of the Plan. At this stage, the extra € 315 billion correspond to what
the EU can achieve through European means, by making better use of its budget. The
Commission and the EIB are inviting Member States and private investors to participate,
which will further multiply the impact of the initiative. An additional essential pillar of the
Plan is to remove existing barriers to investment in the Single Market – financial as well as
non-financial. This strand can in itself generate much more than € 315 billion in terms of
increased output and EU GDP, even if it may take more time for these measures to produce
their full effect.

Finally, the Plan comes on top of existing measures and instruments that are now being
deployed, such as the European Structural and Investment Funds (approximately € 600
billion over the period 2014-2020, including co-financing), which are available at national
and regional level.

9. What will be the impact on jobs and growth?
According to European Commission estimations, the Investment Plan has the potential to
add € 330 to € 410 billion to the EU's GDP and create 1 to 1.3 million new jobs in the coming
three years.

10. People and companies cannot wait: when will we see the effects? Who

will deliver?
The European Commission and the EIB are in the driving seat when it comes to
complementing sources of finance and finding the right projects to boost jobs and growth.
But we cannot do it alone. This is why Member States in the European Council are invited to
endorse the Plan. The three EU institutions (European Parliament, Council and the
Commission) will work together to take the necessary legal steps as swiftly as possible. The
political support of the European Parliament is essential. If there is broad support among all
key players, we will see quick results.

The creation of the new European Fund for Strategic Investments will require some legal and
administrative steps. With the strong backing by all actors concerned, the Fund should be in
place and operational by mid-2015. In the meantime, the EIB will pre-finance the activities
of the Fund. This will give the initiative a flying start.

Moreover, existing EU instruments are already available and deployed. At EU level, this
includes the Connecting Europe Facility, Horizon 2020 and the COSME programme. At
national level, funding is available in the framework of the European Structural and
Investment Funds (more than € 200 billion over the coming three years). All these
instruments are already available and should be used to their best effect straight away.

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