Page 374 - ePaper
P. 374
Energy Union Industrial 2050 industrial Partnership: Industry is responsible for 25% of the Yes. Key part 18.0 0.1 Barriers: Capital intensive technology, not yet
process energy; sector industry, UK’s total CO2 emissions. The Carbon of Carbon demonstrated at scale, which increases risk for
Industrial roadmaps BIS, DECC Plan 2011 identified £18bn of low Plan. Also in investor. Energy intensive industries operate in globally
Energy carbon investment potential to 2027 some City competitive markets - no opportunity to pass on costs.
Efficiency across businesses and industry (outside Deals (eg Uncertain returns on investment in innovation.
the EU ETS). BIS and DECC have been Teesside). Solution: Capital grant programme for technology
working with eight heaviest energy- development and commercial scale demonstration
using industries (steel, oil refining, food (alongside other policy development for supporting low
& drink, chemicals, ceramics, cement, carbon manufacture). This should focus on focusing on
paper, glass) to develop action plans to commercial-scale demonstration projects for unproven
decarbonise and improve energy technologies as well as potentially access to interest
efficiency. Whole range of proposals free or low-interest finance for deployment of best
expected in reports due March 2015; practice.
good opportunity to use EU finding to
leverage private sector investment in
partnership approach with full support of
BIS and industry. More details available.
Projects likely to be range of pilot, full
scale demonstration, capital funding for
equipment and plant, some scope for
cross EU working on innovative
technologies eg in cement, paper, ultra
low-carbon steel. Projects should cover
emissions reduction from chemical
processes (e.g. in ceramics, steel
production) as well as from fossil fuel
use. (links to industrial CCS project
listed seperately, so those technologies
are not included in this line.
process energy; sector industry, UK’s total CO2 emissions. The Carbon of Carbon demonstrated at scale, which increases risk for
Industrial roadmaps BIS, DECC Plan 2011 identified £18bn of low Plan. Also in investor. Energy intensive industries operate in globally
Energy carbon investment potential to 2027 some City competitive markets - no opportunity to pass on costs.
Efficiency across businesses and industry (outside Deals (eg Uncertain returns on investment in innovation.
the EU ETS). BIS and DECC have been Teesside). Solution: Capital grant programme for technology
working with eight heaviest energy- development and commercial scale demonstration
using industries (steel, oil refining, food (alongside other policy development for supporting low
& drink, chemicals, ceramics, cement, carbon manufacture). This should focus on focusing on
paper, glass) to develop action plans to commercial-scale demonstration projects for unproven
decarbonise and improve energy technologies as well as potentially access to interest
efficiency. Whole range of proposals free or low-interest finance for deployment of best
expected in reports due March 2015; practice.
good opportunity to use EU finding to
leverage private sector investment in
partnership approach with full support of
BIS and industry. More details available.
Projects likely to be range of pilot, full
scale demonstration, capital funding for
equipment and plant, some scope for
cross EU working on innovative
technologies eg in cement, paper, ultra
low-carbon steel. Projects should cover
emissions reduction from chemical
processes (e.g. in ceramics, steel
production) as well as from fossil fuel
use. (links to industrial CCS project
listed seperately, so those technologies
are not included in this line.