Page 343 - ePaper
P. 343
Sector Subsector Private/Public/ Project Implementing Description Include Status Total Investment Barriers/solutions
PPP name agency d in invest- in 2015 –
nation ment 2017
al cost
invest (EUR (EUR bn)
ment bn)
Transport Corridors and public private Moderniza Ministry of Port of Koper needs greater depth of the yes ) The project is divided 0.2 0.1 Insufficient financial
missing links tion and Infrastructure, entrance channel to basins and basins, into several smaller resources and
expansion of Luka Koper d.d. additional port infrastructure capacities projects. For some problems in
Port of Koper as well as the supporting and connecting projects permits have acquiring
public infrastructure because of the already been granted, administrative and
increased size of vessels, growing start of construction is other permits may
volumes and confirmed new market expected next year lead to possible
potentials. (2015); for some delays. Expected
projects appropriate source of co-
permits still need to be financing: Cohesion
obtained, start of fond and CEF, EIB,
construction is ERDF
expected after 2016.
Transport Corridors and public private Missing links Ministry of Missing highway section between Yes Plannig stage, 0.594 0.23 Long spatial
missing links on the TEN-T Infrastructure, Maribor - Croatian border (Draženci - Confirmation of planning procedure,
corridors DARS d.d. Gruškovje);Second tube of the financial programme; lack of long term
Karavanke tunel; Missing highway ready for construction; finance. Expected
section between Jagodje-Lucija and building permit for the source of co-
Croatian border, improving road safety first stage Draženci - financing: Cohesion
and efforts to remove bottlenecks near Gruškovje is granted. fond and CEF, EIB
Brezovica and Ljubljana from toll station
Hrušica to Austrian border (8 km in
Transport Corridors and public 3rd Ministry of The third development axis is a high- yes Planning stage 1.7 0.1 Lack of long term
missing links development Infrastructure, quality road representing connection finance. A
axis Slovenian Road between the Mediterranean Corridor and combination of EC
Agency, DARS the Baltic-Adriatic Corridor. The project grants (ERDF), EIB
d.d. connects regional centres in Austria, and MS finance is
Slovenia and Croatia, and thereby envisaged.
provides freight and passenger transport Permitting problems.
from all regions and connection to the
major European transport routes.
Seite 3 von 7
PPP name agency d in invest- in 2015 –
nation ment 2017
al cost
invest (EUR (EUR bn)
ment bn)
Transport Corridors and public private Moderniza Ministry of Port of Koper needs greater depth of the yes ) The project is divided 0.2 0.1 Insufficient financial
missing links tion and Infrastructure, entrance channel to basins and basins, into several smaller resources and
expansion of Luka Koper d.d. additional port infrastructure capacities projects. For some problems in
Port of Koper as well as the supporting and connecting projects permits have acquiring
public infrastructure because of the already been granted, administrative and
increased size of vessels, growing start of construction is other permits may
volumes and confirmed new market expected next year lead to possible
potentials. (2015); for some delays. Expected
projects appropriate source of co-
permits still need to be financing: Cohesion
obtained, start of fond and CEF, EIB,
construction is ERDF
expected after 2016.
Transport Corridors and public private Missing links Ministry of Missing highway section between Yes Plannig stage, 0.594 0.23 Long spatial
missing links on the TEN-T Infrastructure, Maribor - Croatian border (Draženci - Confirmation of planning procedure,
corridors DARS d.d. Gruškovje);Second tube of the financial programme; lack of long term
Karavanke tunel; Missing highway ready for construction; finance. Expected
section between Jagodje-Lucija and building permit for the source of co-
Croatian border, improving road safety first stage Draženci - financing: Cohesion
and efforts to remove bottlenecks near Gruškovje is granted. fond and CEF, EIB
Brezovica and Ljubljana from toll station
Hrušica to Austrian border (8 km in
Transport Corridors and public 3rd Ministry of The third development axis is a high- yes Planning stage 1.7 0.1 Lack of long term
missing links development Infrastructure, quality road representing connection finance. A
axis Slovenian Road between the Mediterranean Corridor and combination of EC
Agency, DARS the Baltic-Adriatic Corridor. The project grants (ERDF), EIB
d.d. connects regional centres in Austria, and MS finance is
Slovenia and Croatia, and thereby envisaged.
provides freight and passenger transport Permitting problems.
from all regions and connection to the
major European transport routes.
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