Page 302 - ePaper
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supplies, other utilities,

Sources and Natural Complex Department of The Slovak Republic is No The aim (rapid 0,1 0,1 n/a
Environment Resources solution of Environment characterized by a high share It is, however, in development of a (to be specified (to be specified
caring for and Agriculture of areas of high natural value. line with the study from the in the study) in the study)
areas of high More than 2,300,000 ha Action Plan to aspect of content
natural value represent areas of high natural implement the and sources of
value in agriculture as well as updated National funding is required)
forestry. Biodiversity
The common definition (EC, Protection
EEA and JRC) defines three Strategy by 2020
categories of agricultural land approved by the
of high natural value: Government
•agricultural land with high (e.g. Task no.
share of semi-natural 116, 145).
vegetation (biotopes of natural
and semi-natural grass
•agricultural mosaic country
with low intensity of agriculture
and natural and structural
elements (historic structures of
agricultural landscape)
•agricultural soil supporting the
occurrence of rare species or
with high share of European or
world population (areas of the
European network of Natura
2000 protected areas)

Two categories have been
determined for the areas of
high natural value in forestry:
• naturally developing forests
(wild forests)
• semi-natural forests - (forests
with long history of

In connection with the use,
any anthropogenic activity is
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