Page 296 - ePaper
P. 296
in line with legislative
conditions and technical
x Generating green electricity
and steam from lignin
originating in bioethanol
x Project is planned in a good
location with good
infrastructure; construction
of connection required.
Technology of 4-ADFA Land-planning
manufacture in Duslo, a.s. decision has not yet
has been in use since 1983. been issued.
Technology is outdated.
Manufacturing costs are Building permit has
significantly higher than with not yet been
modern technologies. The issued.
manufacture burdens the
environment by producing a Project
large quantity of emissions, documentation:
waste as well as waste Basic design
waters. Chlorine gas is used technology is being
Natural in the manufacture and, currently
Sources and New technology consequently, also hydrogen processed.
Environment of 4- ADFA chloride, increasing the risk- Deadline for basic
Efficient use manufacturing MoEnv SR level of the operation. - design submission 0.096 0.096 Ensuring of funds
and safe 'XVOR D V ãDđD Chlorine is particularly is March 2014.
problematic, being supplied According to the
by external suppliers via rail. statement of the
A potential emergency during Ministry of
transportation and Environment of the
consequent leakage of Slovak Republic
chlorine into the air presents dated 5 September
a significant risk of damage to 2013, the proposed
health or death of those technology is not
affected. In the event of subject to
chlorine leakage during assessment
operation, its emission pursuant to Section
beyond the boundaries of the 18 (4) of Act No.
factory is possible. Operating 24/2006 Coll. i.e.
conditions and technical
x Generating green electricity
and steam from lignin
originating in bioethanol
x Project is planned in a good
location with good
infrastructure; construction
of connection required.
Technology of 4-ADFA Land-planning
manufacture in Duslo, a.s. decision has not yet
has been in use since 1983. been issued.
Technology is outdated.
Manufacturing costs are Building permit has
significantly higher than with not yet been
modern technologies. The issued.
manufacture burdens the
environment by producing a Project
large quantity of emissions, documentation:
waste as well as waste Basic design
waters. Chlorine gas is used technology is being
Natural in the manufacture and, currently
Sources and New technology consequently, also hydrogen processed.
Environment of 4- ADFA chloride, increasing the risk- Deadline for basic
Efficient use manufacturing MoEnv SR level of the operation. - design submission 0.096 0.096 Ensuring of funds
and safe 'XVOR D V ãDđD Chlorine is particularly is March 2014.
problematic, being supplied According to the
by external suppliers via rail. statement of the
A potential emergency during Ministry of
transportation and Environment of the
consequent leakage of Slovak Republic
chlorine into the air presents dated 5 September
a significant risk of damage to 2013, the proposed
health or death of those technology is not
affected. In the event of subject to
chlorine leakage during assessment
operation, its emission pursuant to Section
beyond the boundaries of the 18 (4) of Act No.
factory is possible. Operating 24/2006 Coll. i.e.