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Key Investment Project List – SLOVAK REPUBLIC

2. Energy Union

Sector Subsector Project Organization – Description Included in Project Status Total Investment in Barriers to

Name Project National Investment 2015 – 2017 Implementation
Sponsor Investment Costs
Plan (EUR BN)
Energy Union Energy GovCity Ministry Building a centralized energy No Planning and 0.225 0.207 n/a
efficiency in (government of Interior efficient and cost optimized modelling of the
buildings city) administrative facility for the structure of
majority of central state financing,
administration bodies located in preparing project
Bratislava with joint support description,
processes. project plan.

Energy Union Energy Reducing Ministry of Reducing energy consumption No In line with 0.42 0.023 n/a
efficiency in energy intensity Environment when operating public buildings general
buildings of public of administered by the Ministry of principles of
(buildings of buildings the Slovak Interior of the Slovak Republic. project selection,
the public Republic The stated project contributes the Slovak
sector – to meeting the annual energy Innovation and
schools, savings objective provided in Energy Agency
hospitals, Article 4 of Directive performed
administrative 2012/27/EU on Energy energy audits in
centers, other Efficiency. selected
programs) buildings.

Energy Union Gas Slovak - Polish Eustream The Slovak – Polish gas yes Feasibility study 0,346 0,0412 Due to high financial
connection in (Slovak TSO) connection with a length of and pre-project and cost, project

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