Page 747 - ePaper
P. 747
Sector Sub-sector Project Implementing Description Included Status Total Investment in Barriers/solutions
name agency in national investment 2015 –
investme cost 2017 (EUR
nt plan (EUR bn) bn)
Social Education and Life long Ministry of The fund provides public co- Inception NA NA Investments in education
Infrastructure Training Learning Education, financing for employers who phase (but during working life are
(but with fund Science and invest substantially in their aligned with lagging behind and are
positive impact Culture and / or employees’ education and recent decreasing in the
on all sectors) Ministry of Social training. Aim is to generate government Netherlands, while job
Affairs and human capital and skills initiative) mobility is expected to
Employment required for job transition. This become more important.
will also enable close Availability of public co-
cooperation between employers investments from EU level
and Higher Education could catalyze
institutions and VET providers. private investments.
Social Built Affordable Ministry of the Demand for affordable housing Dependent 10 bln in loans Refinancing is Investments in the rental
infrastructure environment housing (i.e. Interior and has been increasing upon coming over a 15 yr now expected sector offer good returns.
and urban housing in the Kingdom substantially. Growth of the legislation on period to be to start in 2017 Between 1995-2012, the
services non- relations affordable housing segment will housing refinanced for average total return of
regulated improve the performance of the corporations affordable (< 1 bn) residential investments in the
segment, with housing and labour market. , due for homes Netherlands was around 9%.
rents between OECD and EU have 2015. currently The affordable housing
€ 700 and recommended housing market owned by category nevertheless faces
1000) reforms in the Netherlands, housing financing difficulties as the EIB
including support for the private corporations and other public entities are
rental sector. not able to finance this
Additionally up category according to current
The government is actively to € 10 bn in eligibility criteria and/or without
promoting the sale of rental loans to be a state guarantee, which is
housing stock by housing refinanced for conform EU legislation
associations to private investors. sale of housing reserved for social housing
Rules regarding these sales corporation only. Until now two
have been significantly reduced, social housing sectorbanks (BNG and NWB)
providing private investors with to private financed the affordable
opportunities to acquire sizeable entities houses of housing
amounts of rental stock and a associations.
position on the Unclear is if commercial
Sector Sub-sector Project Implementing Description Included Status Total Investment in Barriers/solutions
name agency in national investment 2015 –
investme cost 2017 (EUR
nt plan (EUR bn) bn)
Social Education and Life long Ministry of The fund provides public co- Inception NA NA Investments in education
Infrastructure Training Learning Education, financing for employers who phase (but during working life are
(but with fund Science and invest substantially in their aligned with lagging behind and are
positive impact Culture and / or employees’ education and recent decreasing in the
on all sectors) Ministry of Social training. Aim is to generate government Netherlands, while job
Affairs and human capital and skills initiative) mobility is expected to
Employment required for job transition. This become more important.
will also enable close Availability of public co-
cooperation between employers investments from EU level
and Higher Education could catalyze
institutions and VET providers. private investments.
Social Built Affordable Ministry of the Demand for affordable housing Dependent 10 bln in loans Refinancing is Investments in the rental
infrastructure environment housing (i.e. Interior and has been increasing upon coming over a 15 yr now expected sector offer good returns.
and urban housing in the Kingdom substantially. Growth of the legislation on period to be to start in 2017 Between 1995-2012, the
services non- relations affordable housing segment will housing refinanced for average total return of
regulated improve the performance of the corporations affordable (< 1 bn) residential investments in the
segment, with housing and labour market. , due for homes Netherlands was around 9%.
rents between OECD and EU have 2015. currently The affordable housing
€ 700 and recommended housing market owned by category nevertheless faces
1000) reforms in the Netherlands, housing financing difficulties as the EIB
including support for the private corporations and other public entities are
rental sector. not able to finance this
Additionally up category according to current
The government is actively to € 10 bn in eligibility criteria and/or without
promoting the sale of rental loans to be a state guarantee, which is
housing stock by housing refinanced for conform EU legislation
associations to private investors. sale of housing reserved for social housing
Rules regarding these sales corporation only. Until now two
have been significantly reduced, social housing sectorbanks (BNG and NWB)
providing private investors with to private financed the affordable
opportunities to acquire sizeable entities houses of housing
amounts of rental stock and a associations.
position on the Unclear is if commercial