Page 729 - ePaper
P. 729
Sector Sub-sector Project Implementing Description Included Status Total Investment in Barriers/solutions
name agency in national investment 2015 –
investm cost 2017 (EUR
ent plan (EUR bn) bn)
Energy Connections Regional Local Construction of large scale heat Part of Design, 1.5 1.0 Investment barrier: Return on
Union and Production heat- government, infrastructure in 6 regional Dutch study, investment takes long. Public
/ Energy infrastructur province; clusters for the efficient use of energy business funds may be needed to
Efficiency: e: Rotterdam; energy-, industrial heat and use of agreemen case, catalyze private investment.
Better use of Amsterdam; chemistry- residual heat for horticultural t investment
industrial heat Arhem- horticultural, - clusters and housing. plan ready.
Nijmegen; housing sector Connection of geothermal heat.
Geleen; Combination with CO2 delivery
Noorden for horticultural use.
NB :
below !
Example 1 : Steam Private parties Private parties are planning to Part of Private parties 0,15 0,15 Investment barrier: Return on
Chemical pipeline in build a steam pipeline with Dutch are ready for investment takes long. Public
Industry Eemsdelta residual heat. This residual heat energy the investment funds may be needed to
is beneficial for the whole agreemen but financial catalyze private investment.
chemical cluster in the t hurdles exist.
Eemsdelta. The pipeline will
reduce steam prices and make
the cluster more competitive.
There are environmental
benefits. The investment in the
new steam pipe line will double
the amount of Green Energy
Example 2: Steam Private parties Project building steam pipelines Part of The first 0,37 0,2 Investment barrier: Return on
Chemical pipeline in that make sharing of residual Dutch pipelines have investment takes long. Public
Industry Port of heat possible. The pipeline will energy been built, but funds may be needed to
Rotterdam reduce steam prices and make agreemen there are catalyze private investment.
the whole chemical en energy t opportunities
cluster in the Port of Rotterdam for more.
more competitive. There are Companies
environmental benefits as well. are reticent
to make
these extra
Sector Sub-sector Project Implementing Description Included Status Total Investment in Barriers/solutions
name agency in national investment 2015 –
investm cost 2017 (EUR
ent plan (EUR bn) bn)
Energy Connections Regional Local Construction of large scale heat Part of Design, 1.5 1.0 Investment barrier: Return on
Union and Production heat- government, infrastructure in 6 regional Dutch study, investment takes long. Public
/ Energy infrastructur province; clusters for the efficient use of energy business funds may be needed to
Efficiency: e: Rotterdam; energy-, industrial heat and use of agreemen case, catalyze private investment.
Better use of Amsterdam; chemistry- residual heat for horticultural t investment
industrial heat Arhem- horticultural, - clusters and housing. plan ready.
Nijmegen; housing sector Connection of geothermal heat.
Geleen; Combination with CO2 delivery
Noorden for horticultural use.
NB :
below !
Example 1 : Steam Private parties Private parties are planning to Part of Private parties 0,15 0,15 Investment barrier: Return on
Chemical pipeline in build a steam pipeline with Dutch are ready for investment takes long. Public
Industry Eemsdelta residual heat. This residual heat energy the investment funds may be needed to
is beneficial for the whole agreemen but financial catalyze private investment.
chemical cluster in the t hurdles exist.
Eemsdelta. The pipeline will
reduce steam prices and make
the cluster more competitive.
There are environmental
benefits. The investment in the
new steam pipe line will double
the amount of Green Energy
Example 2: Steam Private parties Project building steam pipelines Part of The first 0,37 0,2 Investment barrier: Return on
Chemical pipeline in that make sharing of residual Dutch pipelines have investment takes long. Public
Industry Port of heat possible. The pipeline will energy been built, but funds may be needed to
Rotterdam reduce steam prices and make agreemen there are catalyze private investment.
the whole chemical en energy t opportunities
cluster in the Port of Rotterdam for more.
more competitive. There are Companies
environmental benefits as well. are reticent
to make
these extra