Page 718 - ePaper
P. 718
research reactors.
Knowledge and Public and QuTech EC for core Next wave of innovation: Yes Planning in 1 0.4 Barriers: lack of high-risk
the Digital Private R&D project; Quantum Technologies EU quantum investments from existing
Economy Partnering Research & Venture Initiatives. A community industries (more risk averse
projects by novel partnering approach to started in than US counterparts) and the
participating boost innovation in Europe 2014. absence of early-stage angel-
countries and through excellence in quantum Member investors and venture funds.
industry science and engineering to States Additionally national research
ensure safe and secure recently initiatives are fragmented.
communication and to boost ICT initiated Solution: In Quantum
industry and employment in several Technology, Europe has a
Europe. This way EU can regain initiatives that lead scientific position. If the
leadership compared to US and can join EU can synergize existing
Asian ICT industries. forces, national programs by adding a
starting in joint core research
2015. programme directly coupled to
Venture strong venture capital / angel
Capital in investment stimulating
Europe has measures, the EU can stay
started to ahead in innovation as well.
investigate This will create growing
this topic in private capital investments in
2014.* EU and leverage the birth of a
Setting up a new industry.
joint public
fund could
take shape in
(*draft report
Knowledge and ICT Fast Regional Roll-out of fast broadband Planning 0,4 0,2 Barriers: The return to
the Digital infrastructure broadband authorities (>30MB/s), both fixed and stage investors from subscriptions is
Economy roll-out in mobile, in less densely lower than needed to justify
rural areas populated areas. the investments. Benefits to
society from including these
areas in the digital single
market do not accrue to
investors. Public money to fill
the gap is scarce.
Solutions: use of financial
instruments to better
leverage scarce public
money, as well as risk-
sharing operations to support
local broadband
Knowledge and Public and QuTech EC for core Next wave of innovation: Yes Planning in 1 0.4 Barriers: lack of high-risk
the Digital Private R&D project; Quantum Technologies EU quantum investments from existing
Economy Partnering Research & Venture Initiatives. A community industries (more risk averse
projects by novel partnering approach to started in than US counterparts) and the
participating boost innovation in Europe 2014. absence of early-stage angel-
countries and through excellence in quantum Member investors and venture funds.
industry science and engineering to States Additionally national research
ensure safe and secure recently initiatives are fragmented.
communication and to boost ICT initiated Solution: In Quantum
industry and employment in several Technology, Europe has a
Europe. This way EU can regain initiatives that lead scientific position. If the
leadership compared to US and can join EU can synergize existing
Asian ICT industries. forces, national programs by adding a
starting in joint core research
2015. programme directly coupled to
Venture strong venture capital / angel
Capital in investment stimulating
Europe has measures, the EU can stay
started to ahead in innovation as well.
investigate This will create growing
this topic in private capital investments in
2014.* EU and leverage the birth of a
Setting up a new industry.
joint public
fund could
take shape in
(*draft report
Knowledge and ICT Fast Regional Roll-out of fast broadband Planning 0,4 0,2 Barriers: The return to
the Digital infrastructure broadband authorities (>30MB/s), both fixed and stage investors from subscriptions is
Economy roll-out in mobile, in less densely lower than needed to justify
rural areas populated areas. the investments. Benefits to
society from including these
areas in the digital single
market do not accrue to
investors. Public money to fill
the gap is scarce.
Solutions: use of financial
instruments to better
leverage scarce public
money, as well as risk-
sharing operations to support
local broadband