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P. 688
Tourist statistics - Gozo
2011 2012 2013
No. of Tourist visiting Malta 1422269 1455615 1590991
No. of tourist day trips to Gozo 723572 743252 843630
Percentage of day trip visitors 51% 51% 53%
Malta Total Tourist bed nights 11241272 11859521 12890268
Gozo Tourist bed nights 770339 848523 972709
Percentage of Gozo Tourist bed nights 7% 7% 8%
Malta Tourist spend per night € 109 112 112
Gozo average spend per night € 99 118 108
Source: Malta Tourism Authority and National Statistics Office Malta
As can be seen from the above Table more than 50% of the Tourists that
visit the Maltese Islands actually visit Gozo on a day trip. However, only
7% to 8% of the tourist bed nights are spent in Gozo.
Efforts to market Gozo as a distinct destination are having some success
especially in the quality of tourists as evidenced by the growth in tourist
spend per night which has closed the gap with Malta and in 2012 it
actually exceeded it.
Facilitated by having its own airfield Gozo’s identity as a distinct
destination from Malta will be enhanced and it will attract more and
better quality tourists to bring the tourist bed nights spent in Gozo
closer to 25% of the overall tourist visitors to the Maltese Islands.
Presently Gozo has 12% of the total licensed bed capacity but only 8%
share of the total bed nights. With the airfield project and other
promotions and incentives both percentages can be raised to the
targeted 25%. Increase in bed capacity in Gozo to meet such demand
(practically doubling the present capacity) will be undertaken directly by
the private sector. Maltese private investors have always been ready to
make whatever investment is necessary to satisfy perceive demand
without recourse to any government subsidies.
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Tourist statistics - Gozo
2011 2012 2013
No. of Tourist visiting Malta 1422269 1455615 1590991
No. of tourist day trips to Gozo 723572 743252 843630
Percentage of day trip visitors 51% 51% 53%
Malta Total Tourist bed nights 11241272 11859521 12890268
Gozo Tourist bed nights 770339 848523 972709
Percentage of Gozo Tourist bed nights 7% 7% 8%
Malta Tourist spend per night € 109 112 112
Gozo average spend per night € 99 118 108
Source: Malta Tourism Authority and National Statistics Office Malta
As can be seen from the above Table more than 50% of the Tourists that
visit the Maltese Islands actually visit Gozo on a day trip. However, only
7% to 8% of the tourist bed nights are spent in Gozo.
Efforts to market Gozo as a distinct destination are having some success
especially in the quality of tourists as evidenced by the growth in tourist
spend per night which has closed the gap with Malta and in 2012 it
actually exceeded it.
Facilitated by having its own airfield Gozo’s identity as a distinct
destination from Malta will be enhanced and it will attract more and
better quality tourists to bring the tourist bed nights spent in Gozo
closer to 25% of the overall tourist visitors to the Maltese Islands.
Presently Gozo has 12% of the total licensed bed capacity but only 8%
share of the total bed nights. With the airfield project and other
promotions and incentives both percentages can be raised to the
targeted 25%. Increase in bed capacity in Gozo to meet such demand
(practically doubling the present capacity) will be undertaken directly by
the private sector. Maltese private investors have always been ready to
make whatever investment is necessary to satisfy perceive demand
without recourse to any government subsidies.
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