Page 613 - ePaper
P. 613
Organization European l patients Insufficient
Region Strategy funding.
,,Health 2020" Solutions:
Partially financing
from EU funds.
50. Social Health Nuclear Municipal hospitals and To implement no Feasibility 27 million 16 million Barriers:
Infrastructure Medicine Arbor Medicalradioactive isotope studies for eiro eiro Insufficient funding
regional Korporacija technology in nuclear market considering total
centre’s medicine imaging field opportuniti investment cost.
for cancer diagnosis es Lack of the proper
and cancer therapeutic specialists in
treatment with nuclear medicine
radioactive isotopes. field.
Technology involves Solutions:
Positron emission Partially financing
tomography (PET) and from EU funds.
isotope production on To train medical
site. physics specialists
in EU countries.
51. Social Health Medical Medical CompanyDevelopment of private No Ongoing 32 million 29 million Barriers:
infrastructure centre for« ARS » LTD. clinic for early project. EUR EUR Lack of finance in
personalised diagnostics and Building of state health system
medicine, innovative treatments the for financing of
early cancer of oncologic patients department infrastructure and
screening with emphasis on of development of
and development of diagnostics new cancer
innovative minimally invasive and in process. treatment
treatment of personalized treatment Financing technologies.
oncology strategies. for the first
patients Development of cross stage of
border cooperation the project
with partners in Baltics (7.78 bn)
and other EU countries. already
Providing treatment for existent:
“medical tourists” from 2,45 bn
Russia, Ukrain, private
Belorussia and other financing,
countries. 1.28 bn –
EU funds,
4,05 bank
52. Social Health New Latvian MaritimeConstruction of a new Yes Timing 7 million 7 million Barriers:
Infrastructure generation Medicine Centre Plc generation radiology(included 2015 EUR EUR Lack of long term
Region Strategy funding.
,,Health 2020" Solutions:
Partially financing
from EU funds.
50. Social Health Nuclear Municipal hospitals and To implement no Feasibility 27 million 16 million Barriers:
Infrastructure Medicine Arbor Medicalradioactive isotope studies for eiro eiro Insufficient funding
regional Korporacija technology in nuclear market considering total
centre’s medicine imaging field opportuniti investment cost.
for cancer diagnosis es Lack of the proper
and cancer therapeutic specialists in
treatment with nuclear medicine
radioactive isotopes. field.
Technology involves Solutions:
Positron emission Partially financing
tomography (PET) and from EU funds.
isotope production on To train medical
site. physics specialists
in EU countries.
51. Social Health Medical Medical CompanyDevelopment of private No Ongoing 32 million 29 million Barriers:
infrastructure centre for« ARS » LTD. clinic for early project. EUR EUR Lack of finance in
personalised diagnostics and Building of state health system
medicine, innovative treatments the for financing of
early cancer of oncologic patients department infrastructure and
screening with emphasis on of development of
and development of diagnostics new cancer
innovative minimally invasive and in process. treatment
treatment of personalized treatment Financing technologies.
oncology strategies. for the first
patients Development of cross stage of
border cooperation the project
with partners in Baltics (7.78 bn)
and other EU countries. already
Providing treatment for existent:
“medical tourists” from 2,45 bn
Russia, Ukrain, private
Belorussia and other financing,
countries. 1.28 bn –
EU funds,
4,05 bank
52. Social Health New Latvian MaritimeConstruction of a new Yes Timing 7 million 7 million Barriers:
Infrastructure generation Medicine Centre Plc generation radiology(included 2015 EUR EUR Lack of long term