Page 483 - ePaper
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166 Other Tourism Various Ministry of A list of necessary new supporting infrastructure to accommodate Partly Detailed 0.5 0.1 Lack of funding
Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructures tourist demand and upgrade requirements in key destinations (roads, assessment
necessary to projects , Transport energy, water, waste, sewage etc) is being prepared with the finalised.
Tourist sector and Networks technical assistance of TFGR for all regions of Greece. Implementation
& Ministry of Requirements may exceed PA resources. schedule 2014-
Environment , 2020.
Energy and

167 Other Tourism Transport nodes Ministry of Major inland transportation nodes and gateways (e.g. upgrades to No Project definition 0.5 0.05 Lack of funding
Infrastructure and Gateways Infrastructures Main Train and Bus terminals, renovation works at main entry points and initial
necessary to , Transport along the continental border). PPP projects. assessment.
Tourist sector and Networks Implementation
& Regional schedule 2015-
authorities 2021

168 Other Tourism Athens Upgrade of the Ministry of The Faliron Project is the last stage of a major land reclamation Yes (uncertain) Final studies OK. 0.25 0.15 Funding not yet secured.
City Break Athens coastline Infrastructures intervention that forms part of projects aiming to create a seafront Tender to be
, Transport destination pole for Athens by upgrading an area of 40 hectares tendered.document
and Networks, while incorporating flood protection works for the adjacent dense s being drafted.
Ministry of urban communities. The project provides for leisure and recreation Project ready
Environment & activities and a landsea interface for sea transport and linkages to
Regional coastal communities and the islands.It complements other initiatives
Authority and projects in the pipeline as the Niarchos Culural Centre, the
Athens Convention Hall, the Alimos Marina and the Hellinikon site,
integrating the development of additional high-end accommodation.

169 Other Tourism Athens City Regional & Development of thematic walks, refurbishment of select landmark No Projects identified, 0.4 0.1 Lack of funding
and Thessaloniki destinations municipal buildings. Upgrade of historic centre. Urban renewal PPP projects. operational plans in
City Break upgrade authorities progress.
schedule 2014-
2021. Final studies
for certain projects

170 Other Conference Conference Ministry of Leveraging of the planned conversion of the Tae Kwon Do stadium to yes Project ready to be 0.04 0.04 State participation not yet secured.
Tourism centre Development an international Conference Centre as a flagship project, including tendered in one Comp and Internal Market
and commercial space development. PPP project of total cost = 70 m step PPP approvals sought.
Competitivene Euros, gov. contribution = 40 m Euros procedure
ss substituting an
earlier tender that
was annuled.

171 Other Tourism Marinas Tourist ports Ministry of Development of new marinas and berths to increase capacity No Programme in the 0.2 0.05 programme in the process of being
-Yachting privatisation and Development Upgrade the infrastructure of existing marinas through a PPP process of being elaborated. Public funding
upgrades and privatization process. elaborated in unavailable.
Competitivene Total investment cost estimate = 340 m Euros, Public participation cooperation with
ss =200m the Special
Secretariat for
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