Page 40 - ePaper
P. 40
Energy Union Connections public MYRRHA SCK•CEN The MYRRHA (Multi- Yes in preparatory 1,50 0,15 - lack of confidence and
and private purpose hYbrid Research phase for risk-taking in the private
production Reactor for High-tech implementation sector
Applications) Project aims at . Detailled - lack of long term Policy
establishing at the Belgian Engineering commitment
Nuclear NuclearStudy and realisation - lack of European
Center in Mol, Belgium, a to be started in icensing uniformityl
state-of the art research 2018
infrastructure with the main
objective of providing the
research community with a
highly performing and
versatile installation (fast
spectrum irradiation facility)
that would serve inter alia
the following purposes:
• Demonstrate the feasibility
of accelerator-driven
systems (ADS) at industrially
relevant scale;
• Demonstrate the
effectiveness of ADS
systems for the
transmutation of long-lived
and most toxic radioactive
products (minor actinides)
contained in spent nuclear
fuels in order to reduce their
radio-toxicity in terms of
volume (by a factor 100) and
timelife (by a factor 1000);
• Carry out material and fuel
research and testing,
notably in relation to the
safety of the current and
future fission and fusion
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