Page 297 - ePaper
P. 297
Resources and Environment Natural public National Fish Ministry of Agriculture Finland’s National Fish Passage Strategy aims to yes Finland's National 0.1 0.0 Barrier: Lack of public
resources: private Passage Strategy and Forestry strengthen our threatened and endangered migratory Fish Passage funding, somewhat private
efficient and fish stocks. Implementation of the strategy will Strategy - funding available. Solution:
secure supports our goal strengthen biodiversity and fisheries Government Including investment
availability opportunities in sustainable way. The total sum of resolution allocation of private sector
implementation is 100 milj. €. Needed investment in (mainly hydropower
2015-2017 is 30 milj. €. companies), Eu finance
ensures the implementation
of strategy.

Resources and Environment other public Beef register Ministry of Forestry and Administration register of animal information for yes 2014-2018 0.0
Agriculture farmers    

Resources and Environment other public Iinformation and Ministry of Forestry and Information and business system for entrerpreneurs yes 2014-2016 0.0    
business Agriculture which directs to the correct public services based on
the information provided
programme of
basic food

Initiative 4. Transport Sector Subsector Private/P Project name Implementing agency Description Included in Status Total invest- Investme Barriers/solutions
infrastructure ublic/PPP national ment cost nt in 2015
investment (EUR bn) – 2017
plan (EUR bn)
4. a Digital infrastructure          
Transport  Business Digital  Nokia Networks, Digital infrastructure for No    550 M€ ‐ 700 M €       
enablers  infrastructu  HERE, Elektrobit  managing high data 
re  (Oulu), Ixonos  volumes associated with 
ecosystem  (Jyväskylä), ITS  automated vehicles on 
for  Factory (Tampere),  public roads 
automated  ITS Finland 
vehicles  (Helsinki), Aalto  ‐EDGE computing
and V2X  University,  connectivity for 
communica  University of  infotainment, safety and 
tion in 2015  Helsinki, Finnish  security messages 
– 2020 in  Transport Agency, 
Finland  Finnish Transport  ‐Real time High Definition
Safety Agency,  map (HD map) collection 
Ministry of  and delivery “on‐the‐go” to
Transport  road users 
‐Hazard warnings and other
low latency‐sensitive 
message delivery system to 
and between cars (V2X) 

‐Low latency alerts to Removing barriers from
between vulnerable road  private investors
users, like pedestrians and 
cyclists and vehicles 
(Internet of Things) 
‐Mobility management via  
Automotive Cloud big data 
computational and 
analytical capabilities. 
Project provides a testbed 
and piloting for future 
European wide intelligent 
transport systems. 
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