Page 257 - ePaper
P. 257
Transport Corridors and public Construction of Ministry of The project has a regional impact in Pärnu and No Public and private sector are 0.010 0.010 B: Lack of long term
missing links private Pärnu Airport Economic Affairs West Estonia. Pärnu Airport needs to be cooperating to make project finance.
and constructed to serve charter flights. As West possible. Project activities not S: Funding scheme
Communications Estonia and especially Pärnu has a strong tourism started.
sector and tourism entepreneurs are cooperating
to make possible charter flights from neighbour
countries, the airport would have a conciderable
impact to the region development. The benefit is
much wider than only the Airport income statement
(the region’s tourism sector, the region’s public
sector, the development of the region and
Transport Corridors and public Cruise Harbour in Ministry of Construction of a new 247 m quay for cruise ships. No Not started 0.007 0.007 B: Lack of long term
missing links private Pärnu Economic Affairs Pärnu as a tourism destination No 2 in Estonia has finance.
and a potential to serve cruise ships, appr. 1200 S: Funding scheme
Communications visitors per year. The quay is owned by private
owner and there is no economic benefit for private
owner to make investment alone, the project could
be implemented as PPP.
Transport Corridors and public Development of Ministry of Reconstruction of Narva city bus terminal is No Preparation stage 0.002 0.002 B: Lack of long term
missing links Narva city bus Economic Affairs planned to be funded by Cohesion Fund in finance.
and railway and correspondence with Regulation of the Ministry of S: Funding scheme
terminal Communications Economic Affairs and Communication Minister
"Conditions for investment support of to clusters of
railway stations with other transport types" Cost of
reconstruction is about 1,5 mln EUR
4. Social Infrastructure
Healthcare Hospitals public Healtcare Ministry of Social Investments outside the ESI Funds to the hospital No The preparation of the ESI funds 0.261 0.15 B: Need for
investments Affairs network depending on the financing capacity of the investment plans is scheduled to investment analyses,
state. be finished in the first half of 2015. technical assistance
Other investment needs are for project
mapped, however the exact scope preparation.
and investment priorities are under
Social services Welfare investments private Private wefare Ministry of Social Investments by the private sector to provide No The preparation of legal framework 0.100 0.100 B: Technical
public services Affairs welfare services outside the investments planned for using ESI Funds is currently assistance to create
investments by the ESI Funds under way and is expected to be possible models in
ready at the Q1 2015. Possible order to promote
private sector investments are at competition in
the negotioation stage. welfare services.
5. Resources and Environment
missing links private Pärnu Airport Economic Affairs West Estonia. Pärnu Airport needs to be cooperating to make project finance.
and constructed to serve charter flights. As West possible. Project activities not S: Funding scheme
Communications Estonia and especially Pärnu has a strong tourism started.
sector and tourism entepreneurs are cooperating
to make possible charter flights from neighbour
countries, the airport would have a conciderable
impact to the region development. The benefit is
much wider than only the Airport income statement
(the region’s tourism sector, the region’s public
sector, the development of the region and
Transport Corridors and public Cruise Harbour in Ministry of Construction of a new 247 m quay for cruise ships. No Not started 0.007 0.007 B: Lack of long term
missing links private Pärnu Economic Affairs Pärnu as a tourism destination No 2 in Estonia has finance.
and a potential to serve cruise ships, appr. 1200 S: Funding scheme
Communications visitors per year. The quay is owned by private
owner and there is no economic benefit for private
owner to make investment alone, the project could
be implemented as PPP.
Transport Corridors and public Development of Ministry of Reconstruction of Narva city bus terminal is No Preparation stage 0.002 0.002 B: Lack of long term
missing links Narva city bus Economic Affairs planned to be funded by Cohesion Fund in finance.
and railway and correspondence with Regulation of the Ministry of S: Funding scheme
terminal Communications Economic Affairs and Communication Minister
"Conditions for investment support of to clusters of
railway stations with other transport types" Cost of
reconstruction is about 1,5 mln EUR
4. Social Infrastructure
Healthcare Hospitals public Healtcare Ministry of Social Investments outside the ESI Funds to the hospital No The preparation of the ESI funds 0.261 0.15 B: Need for
investments Affairs network depending on the financing capacity of the investment plans is scheduled to investment analyses,
state. be finished in the first half of 2015. technical assistance
Other investment needs are for project
mapped, however the exact scope preparation.
and investment priorities are under
Social services Welfare investments private Private wefare Ministry of Social Investments by the private sector to provide No The preparation of legal framework 0.100 0.100 B: Technical
public services Affairs welfare services outside the investments planned for using ESI Funds is currently assistance to create
investments by the ESI Funds under way and is expected to be possible models in
ready at the Q1 2015. Possible order to promote
private sector investments are at competition in
the negotioation stage. welfare services.
5. Resources and Environment