Page 244 - ePaper
P. 244
choice of cable
concept is at a less
economical scale.

Energy Un- Electricity DKW-DE WestcoastPCI Tennet TSO A 400 kV link between Germany No Ten-T TSO GmbH and Ener- 0,3 0,1 The project will not
ion. transmission 1.3.1.: Interconnection GmbH; Ener- and Denmark along the west coast has set up a common be economically
(iv) Connec- between Endrup (DK) from Niebull in Germany to Endrup project organization. The tech- viable if established
tions and Niebüll (DE) in Denmark. nical and economic investiga- as underground
tions of alternatives are ongoing. cables. Overhead
The preferred solution will be lines on the other
defined by the end of November. hand would run
contrary to present
political agreement
that new transmis-
sion lines must be
established as un-
derground cables.
The results of the
cost benefit investi-
gation of different
possible project
variants have to be
discussed with
Tennet TSO GmbH
before further ac-
tions are taken.

Energy Un- Electricity DKW-DE Step 3 Tennet TSO An upgrade of the existing connec- No Ten-T TSO GmbH and Ener- 0,1 0,1 The cost benefit
ion. transmission GmbH; tions between Denmark and has set up a common investigation of
(iv) Connec- PCI 1.4.1: Interconnec- Germany on the Eastern part of the project organization. T different possible
tions and tion between Kassø Danish-German border. project variants is
production. The purpose is to increase the trad-
(DK) - Audorf (DE) The technical and economic not finalized yet
ing capacity between the two coun- investigations of alternatives are
tries and may depend on
ongoing. the ability to fi-
nance the project.
The preferred solution will be
defined by the end of November.
Transport Corridors and New Light rail systems DG MOVE Construction of four new light rails Yes The light rail in Aarhus is under 1,9 0,8 The projects are co-
missing links, in Copenhagen, Aarhus, systems in Aarhus, Copenhagen, construction and expected to funded by the Dan-
Odense and Aalborg projected to open in 2017. Projects in Odense, ish state and local
open in the period 2017-2021. State- Copenhagen and Aalborg are authorities, financ-
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