Page 233 - ePaper
P. 233
Transport Road corri- Expansion of the Køge Ministry of The project will reduce congestion Yes The section from Greve S to 0,333 0,09 Financed by MS
dors and Bugt Motorway Transport in a main corridor, which connects Solrød S (1st stage) is expected
missing links (E47/E20/E55) between the major cities of Denmark as well to open in 2015, one year earlier
Greve S and Køge S as Scandinavia and Central Europe. than originally planned. The
The project will also improve the section from Solrød S to Køge
conditions for thousands of daily (2nd stage) is expected to open at
commuters. Very high socio- the latest in 2018.
economic rate of return. The project
is on the TEN-T core network.

Transport Bottle-necks New double track rail- Ministry of New railway Kauslunde ‐ Odense, Yes EIA process has begun and the 0,7 0,01 A combination of
and increased way across western transport about 35 km. 4 km shorter than the project is projected to open in the EC grants and MS
speed Funen present line, thus saving travel time mid-2020’s finance is envis-
for passenger and freight trains. The aged
project is part of Train Fund Den-
mark and is an important part of the
one hour model between the five
biggest cities in Denmark.
The project is on the TEN-T core
Transport Bottle-necks Fixed link across Vejle Ministry of The project is part of Train Fund Yes EIA process has begun and the 0,6 0,01 A combination of
and increased Fjord in Jutland Transport Denmark and is an important part of project is projected to open in the EC grants and MS
speed one hour model between the five mid-2020’s. finance is envis-
biggest cities in Denmark. The pro- aged.
ject is on the TEN-T core network.

Transport Bottle-necks Speed increase Ringsted- Ministry of Ringsted‐Odense speed increase: Yes EIA ongoing. 0,1 0,03 A combination of
and increased Odense Transport Speed increase Ringsted‐Odense. It EC grants and MS
speed is the Danish Government’s finance is envis-
ambition to reduce the travel time aged.
between the larger Danish cities,
including between Copenhagen
and Odense, to one hour. Infrastruc-
ture investments are therefore re-
quired in order to increase train
speed between Ringsted and Odense.
This implies upgrades in Ringsted,
Sorø, Slagelse, and at the
Great Belt Bridge etc. [pending
political decision on preferred tech-
nical solution as per 10/2014].
The project is on the TEN-T core
Transport Bottle-necks Vamdrup-Vojens Ministry of Double track Vamdrup and Vojens: Yes Works ongoing. Project conclud- 0,1 0,02 A combination of
and increased Transport Construction of double track in ed by end 2015. EC grants and MS
speed Southern Jutland in order to increase finance is envis-
capacity and secure the current aged.
freight connection between Scandi-
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