Page 147 - ePaper
P. 147
Energy Union Connections Private Stevin Elia This project facilitates the Yes Design & 0,2 - 0,3 N/A
and integration of up to 2,3 GW Permitting
production of offshore wind production
into the Belgian grid via the
extension of the 380kV
backbone to the coastal
area (STEVIN project) to
which the offshore capacity
will be connected.
Note that the STEVIN
project is also required for
the integration of the NEMO
interconnector (BE - UK) into
the BE 380kV network.

Energy Union Connections Private Belgian North Elia ( - Tennet) The need to reinforce the Yes Design & 0,35 - 0,45 N/A
and Border Belgian North Border is Permitting
production driven by a congruation of -
factors Planning
- ensuring reliable grid -
cooperation in a context of Under
increasing & more volatile Construction
fluxes on Belgian's north-
south axis (Zandvliet to
Horta; Van Eyck to Gramme)
which could
cause internal congestions
and negatively effect market
- desire to further develop
market capacity between
Belgium & the Netherlands
with +- 1000
- possible connection of new
central production units on
these north-south axis:
projects exist on each axis
of 900-1000 MW each
- increasing industrial
demand around Antwerp
harbour area
The project as such consists
of the following subprojects
facilitating its realization in a
modular way:
- Brabo & PST4 (+upgrade
Doel-Zandvliet): integration
of 4th PST on Belgian North
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