Page 114 - ePaper
P. 114
Housing Renovation public Four-yearly - Minister of In addition to the Yes Four-yearly 0,30 0,20
of social 2014-2017 Housing development of new social 2014-2017
housing - Brussels- housing, renovation works of approved by
Capital Region existing housing will the
housing reinforce the public sector Government of
company response to the housing the Brussels-
(SLRB) crisis Capital Region
in February

Housing/Environ public Regional green - Minister of The FDL grants mortgage Yes 0,01 0,008
ment loan Housing loans to private individuals
- Housing fund in order to support the
of the Brussels- acquisition of housing. The
Capital Region FDL recently also put in
(FDL) place a loan with zero
interest for an amount of
maximum 25,000 Euros
enabling the financing of
works in order to improve
the energy performance of

ENERGY UNION 0,092 0,078
Energy Union Energy public Logistical Brussel Centralisation of four Yes planning and 0,00 0,00 Better coordination and
efficiency in center Formation logistical formation center in final efficiency between the
buildings one place in Brussel negotiation several logistical
with the land formation Reduction of
owner general and rental

Housing/Enviro Housing public Cité Brussels Acquisition of the former yes 2015 : 0,06 0,05
nment internationale Regional Public estate of the gendarmerie + acquisition
universitaire Service creation of a student
/ ULB campus of 150 student
housing, an incubator and
horeca industrie.

Economic PMEs & Sustainable City-Dev Creation of a center 0,01 0,01
infrastructure Starters Soft Skills (3S) targeting SME's active in the
field of construction,
ressources, energy
efficiency etc... with corelate
equipment and support.
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